
Tag: mom life

Lessons from my Perfectly Imperfect Father

It’s strange, the seemingly instinctive progression of how we view our fathers. I remember counting down as a child until dad would walks through the...

Closing That Chapter: Getting Rid of the Baby Stuff

I started doing it, little by little, after my fourth baby started outgrowing things. Mostly, it was clothes that I knew I wasn't...

Please Don’t Say Cheese: And Other Things Your Photographer Always Wanted...

Meltdowns. Tantrums. Tears. We’ve all been there with a photo session gone wrong. It’s stressful, embarrassing and such a disappointment. And then add these...

But What About Mom?

I read a LOT of articles about parenting, and babies, and what to do, and what not to do. I mean, I'm a 30-year-old...

A Love(ish) Letter to my First Trimester

Dear First Trimester, We need to talk. No, it’s not me – it’s you. You’re an unstable friend. We’ve been down this road together three times now, so...

Bye-Bye Binky: Giving up the Pacifier

Ah, the dreaded pacifier. The nook. The binky. Or, if you're at our house, just plain 'ol bink. For some kids, it's their lifeline. They...

I Love My Little Thumbsucker

We were at the zoo when it happened. Finn was one month old and enjoying his chauffeured ride around the park, the pacifier that...

Guilty Pleasures: Mom Style

Guilty pleasures. We all have them, right? Things you do when no one's watching or habits that might be a little embarrassing to admit...

Daily Schedules that Calm the Crazy

Life with three kids is crazy. One is screaming about needing his bottom wiped, while the other is throwing food at his sister, while...

To The Mom Whose Spouse Travels

My husband travels for work. A lot. Sometimes it's for one or two days at a time. Sometimes it's for a week or longer....

5 Strategies to Boost Your Child’s Creativity at Home

Note: This post is sponsored by, and written in collaboration with, Maize Virtual Prep School. In the information age, creativity has lost some of its...

Social Media: Friend or Foe?

I’m going to open up to you about something now that is personal and somewhat embarrassing – and near and dear to my heart....

Play Date Etiquette

This time of year, our family thrives on play dates and activities. Anything to get us moving and keep us entertained. With cold temperatures...

There is Life After the First Year!

Tiny, newborn babies. What could be more adorable? More romanticized? More instagrammed? “Don’t grow up!” we say to our babies. “Always stay a baby!” we write...

Kicking the Crib to the Curb

I was never in a rush to move my 2-year old daughter out of her crib. In fact, I was almost sad when I...
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