Top 10 Posts of 2018 | The Best of Kansas City Moms Blog

From real-life essays on motherhood to tips for navigating family life in Kansas City, here is our roundup of Kansas City Moms Blog’s most-read posts of 2018!

Gentle-ish Reminders for Your Friends Who Misuse Car Seats

“Since it’s still winter coat season, I’m sure you all know some people who drive you crazy, continuing  to loosen harnesses to make room for coats. Maybe this will change their minds.”

To the Mom Whose Husband Just Walked Out

“You are reeling; your future just shattered right before your eyes. It’s OK to cry. Cry hard. Sob on the kitchen floor until no sound comes out. Cry when you wake up alone in the middle of the night. Or when you’re sitting in that church pew by yourself for the first time.”

The Kansas City Birthday Party Guide

“We love a good birthday party – whether you make your own Pinterest perfection or let the experts do the work! We’ve got something for all styles in this year’s Kansas City Birthday Party Guide.”

I'm Not Wasting My Degree on Motherhood

“What you don’t hear about as much, is the putting aside of personal dreams and professional goals to be a stay-at-home mom. I’ve definitely struggled with this. It’s been insinuated to me that my college degree is probably a waste now, but I don’t agree with that.”

car seat guidelines

Fun with Physics: What to Know About the Newest Car Seat Guidelines

“Somewhere between birth and booster seat, however, our attention to car seat science seems to disappear. The laws mislead us into thinking they represent the most up-to-date evidence in traffic death prevention. Meanwhile, our neighbors influence us to move from seat to seat by social precedent. As a result, we allow our kids to march from car seat to seat belt, forgetting what proper car restraints actually do to keep our kids safe.”

I Want It All

“I want it all. As in, I wanted to be at work that afternoon finishing what needed to get done and meeting the deadlines that my team and I had, but I also WANTED to pick my kids up that day. Because that’s also my job.”

To My First Born Headed to Kindergarten

“If we’re being honest here… I’m terrified. Deep down I know that once this year begins it will all slip so much more quickly through my fingers. Before I know it, you will be headed off to middle school, and then high school, and then college.”

It’s Not “Mommy Juice.” It’s Wine. Stop it.

“Also, why do we call it “mommy juice?” It’s not juice. Not at all. It’s wine. Not all mommies want it and need it. To paint it as some special elixir that all moms covet minimizes that makes moms and other caregivers feel recharged and relaxed is honestly dangerous. And quite frankly, doesn’t it diminish us as moms and caregivers?”

The 2018 Guide to Pediatric Health in Kansas City

The providers you trust with your child’s health – whether it’s the pediatrician or dentist you visit regularly, or the services you need during special seasons or situations, you want someone you can trust. Our readers often ask for recommendations for mom-approved pediatricians, dentists and other kids health providers. Together with Overland Park Regional Medical Center, we hope this guide will help you find good partners for your child’s health and wellbeing.

A Movie Theater Just for Kids

“Going to the movies with your kids can be tricky. You are never quite sure if they’ll sit through the whole thing, if they’ll get antsy or if they’ll just generally be annoying to you and other moviegoers. Enter Shawnee B&B Theatre’s new screenPLAY. This recently renovated theater in western Shawnee now includes a kid-friendly theater. And let me tell you, it is worth every penny.”

Sarah McGinnity
Sarah grew up in Manhattan, Kansas (Go Cats!), she moved to Minnesota where she met her husband, Shea. Realizing how much she hated snow in May, she convinced him to move to Kansas City in 2010. Together they have lived in Midtown, Waldo, the Plaza, and now Overland Park. Sarah is mom to 10-year-old, Henry, 7-year-old Clark and 5-year-old Lucy. She has her master’s in urban administration and is passionate about making Kansas City a more equitable and supportive community. In between the crazy, she likes to drink coffee, run, hike, travel as much as possible, and experience all things Kansas City!