
Guest Contributor

Guest Contributor
Are you interested in being a guest contributor for Kansas City Mom Collective? If you're local and you're a mom (or have awesome and relevant information for local moms), we'd love to hear your ideas! Email us at info {at} kansascitymomcollective {dot} com.

Top 10 Things To Have On Hand If You Need To Quarantine

This post is written and sponsored by The Pediatric Center at Overland Park Regional Medical Center offers a Pediatric ER with little to no wait times, a Pediatric Inpatient Unit and pediatric specialty care...

Tis the Season for Holiday Books

With the holiday season upon us, we remember the joy and magic of holiday books! It might be the characters in the classic Little Golden Books like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Jingle Bells, or...
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Losing My Husband to Suicide

Seven years ago, my world was shattered. At 25 years old, I became a widow after losing my 27-year old-husband to suicide. I share my story every September for many reasons. I want you...
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Battling Colon Cancer As A Family

My husband rushed out our back door to our deck where I was relaxing, reading a book. “Chadwick Boseman died of colon cancer,” he said, almost like asking a question. I’m a 41-year-old female who’s enjoyed...
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Supporting Teachers: One Million School Supplies

Moms, friend to friend, can I confess something to you? I see what is happening right now with schools and teachers and kids, and I feel paralyzed and weary about all the heavy decisions...

Preventing Cavities in Kids Starts Early

This post is sponsored by Jenkins & LeBlanc Dentistry for Children; now accepting new patients! The American Academy of Pediatric Association reports 40% of 2-5 year olds who have not seen a dentist develop cavities. Although it...
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Our Family’s COVID-19 Experience

Writing this is probably the first time that I have felt close to normal in the last three weeks. My family was diagnosed with COVID-19 in early July, and it was pretty much my...
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Anti-racism: A Maternal Call To Action

Childhood Memories I can still remember as a first grader being driven home by a white classmate and her mother after a sleepover.  Upon pulling up to my residence, the classmate exclaimed “Wow! I can’t believe...
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I Can’t Outrun Racism

When I was very young, my parents lived in a small Michigan town between their two jobs. We didn’t go to school there, and I didn’t understand why at the time. “Too racist,” my...

Speech and Language: Summertime is a GREAT Time to Close the Gap

This post is sponsored by Children's Therapy Services in Overland Park. They can help your child improve speech and language so they are ready for school in the fall! You may have a concern or...
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Family Friendly Hiking in Kansas City

It was the third weekend of KC’s stay-at-home ordinance, and by Saturday morning at 8 a.m., I had already received several texts and Facebook messages: “We need to get out of the house… we...

Having A Baby During the Pandemic

Hospitals across Kansas City are restricting visitors including those for moms in labor. While it’s not ideal, the purpose is to keep mom, baby and hospital staff safe and most importantly healthy. Providing emotional support...

PE Class from Home: Staying Active During School Closures

As parents try to structure their kids' days with no school day to rely on, it's important to remember to save time to get their energy out and give them the opportunity to just...

5 Ways Brushing Can Be Fun for Your Kids 

Tooth decay, cavities, and the occasional temper tantrum. Although most parents understand the perennial battle of getting their children to brush their teeth, the fight to ensure a healthy and cavity-free smile is worth...

Why the Chiefs Matter (Even if You’re Not a Football Fan)

I am the first to admit that my Chiefs fandom is probably going to collapse under Serious Fan scrutiny. I was raised in Chicago by a Bears fan family, and have sort of adopted...
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