The title sounds like new age pseudo-science, doesn't it? Sure, it's a little pie-in-the-sky, but when it comes down to it, sometimes your parenting experience is all about what you expect. If you look at a lot of 'mom-media,'...

The Year of Cancer

We call it The Year of Cancer. It was 2014, and I was staying home with my daughter, who was three years old at the time. I don't mean to sound flippant, I deal with stress by making light....

What About Dad?

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). BBM (Building Better Moms).   Mommy and Me.   Johnson County Moms.   Northland Moms.   Kansas City Moms Blog.   And the list goes on and on for groups and resources available for Kansas City moms. What is missing from the...
Dear Husband, It was a question that you asked during my pregnancy — “How am I supposed to be a good father when I didn’t have one?” I didn’t have an answer then because I don’t know what it’s like to...
Many modern families are migrating toward new and unique ways to manage a work/life balance. The old-fashioned view of a working family structure, where dad kisses his wife on his way off to work while mom stays behind and...
It was just another ordinary night when my son unknowingly crushed my feminist soul. The family dynamic in our home, at the moment, is one in which I am home more often with the children than my husband. This means...
The dads I know give midnight feedings. The dads I know play hours of peekaboo. The dads I know cut every meal into tiny toddler bites. The dads I know change diapers. I'll never forget the first time my husband and...
Growing up, my family and I didn't celebrate Christmas in the traditional way. When I married Tonya, it was safe to assume things were going to be different - but it wasn’t until our first Christmas together that I...
Before he was your dad, there was this guy that all the girls kept talking about. Matt Marasco. This HOT guy on the baseball team. I remember hearing all my friends' comments, "he's so tall, and so handsome, and...
To My Four Misters and their Sister, It will be a while until you all are old enough to care about the details of how Daddy and I ended up at the altar together.  Right now, you don't know that he...
Dear Kids, I should start a letter like this with "I'm sorry." I'm sorry you have different last names, and I'm sorry that your lives are an intermingling of arrivals and departures. Being married twice was never my plan, but if I...
Boys, When Mommy was living in the cold, cold city of Minneapolis in a teeny tiny apartment she had decided she was tired of dating. Because sometimes boys can be frustrating. Daddy was living in a condo with Mac the...
It was, dear children, the unlikeliest of meetings. Really, when I was growing up I had no idea that I would end up with the tall, dark and handsome man from across the world that I eventually did. (Did...
Dear Girls, I'm writing today to tell you the story about how I met your father. It's not some fairytale romance so don't worry - I won't embarrass you with mushy details about it being love at first sight and how I...
It’s strange, the seemingly instinctive progression of how we view our fathers. I remember counting down as a child until dad would walks through the door, attacking him with pent up vigor upon his return. However, as we grow in our independence,...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Pediatricians in Kansas City

Finding the right pediatrician is an important decision you make before that baby is even born! In the Kansas City metro area, there are...
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