Many family friendly spots in Kansas City are opening up sensory friendly days, offering sensory kits or sensory rooms to provide more inclusivity to all children (and adults). This guide highlights some of the best sensory friendly accommodations and...
The Kansas City metro has experienced an explosion of new inclusive parks in the last few years. Many of these are thanks to the efforts of local non-profit Variety KC as well as individual cities and counties making it...
When I was preparing for an IEP meeting before my daughter started kindergarten, I will admit, I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't understand the goals, or the jargon. I asked people to look at it for...
For most children, Halloween is an exciting time of year - from pumpkin carving to costume parties, to trick or treating. But for many families of special needs children, Halloween can be a daunting experience - from the costumes...
April is Autism Acceptance month, and our discussion today will touch the latest information on autism identification, therapies, resources in Kansas City, and how we can all be allies for families with an autistic child. About 1 in 36...
One of the biggest challenges that I realized early on that I would face in raising my autistic son is finding the programs that would accommodate him. The normal process of enrolling kids in sports leagues, art programs, or...
The month of April is Autism Acceptance Month, a month that may or may not have even been on my radar until July of 2016, when my second son was born. Before then, I knew of autism vaguely — it...
On today's episode we are talking about navigating the IEP/504 process, which can be very overwhelming as parents navigate the world of special education. We discuss the difference between and IEP and a 504, early resources and interventions, medical...
I didn't know it was a problem until I sat next to him every day during virtual school. My then third-grader couldn't sit still. He was reduced to tears of frustration multiple times a day. His near perfect grades...
This post is sponsored by Children's Mercy Kansas City. Now that kids are back in school, progress reports and parent-teacher conferences will be here before you know it. Over the past decade, one topic that has received a lot of media...
I have so many dreams for you, my sweet girl. One big dream? I don’t want you to tiptoe through life. I want you to ROAR. Because you are going to face challenges as a little girl of color. I...
As I sit alone during my workday and think about how the evening could go there are so many conflicting feelings going through my mind. It’s part anxiety, part confidence, part frustration, part positivity.  The confident parent in me says – hey,...
Reminiscing on summer camp as an adult, it was one of the most memorable times of my childhood. Team activities, art crafts, and songs galore always had me wanting to go back year after year. After having kids of...
When my son was diagnosed as being autistic two years ago, I thought I understood what that meant. I thought it meant communication delays, trouble with social interaction, sensory meltdowns, and more. I had puzzle pieces practically coming out...
The headaches started the summer before kindergarten. I blamed it on too much activity in the blazing August sun. The headaches continued into the first few months of kindergarten. I was coming to pick him up from school at least...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Pediatricians in Kansas City

Finding the right pediatrician is an important decision you make before that baby is even born! In the Kansas City metro area, there are...
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