
Tag: grocery shopping

10 Reasons I Love My Costco Membership

It's no secret, Costco and moms are a match made in heaven. Earlier this month, the Costco Mom Hour event opened up 80+ Costco warehouses...

Costco Mom Hour: Start Your Holiday Shopping Early!

Get started on your holiday shopping without the crowds during a special event just for KC moms! Kansas City Moms Blog and Costco are excited to host the Costco...

10 Life Hacks for Busy Moms

I love a good life hack. You know, taking something and using it differently than it was intended, and as a result, MAGIC! Even...

Shop Like a Chef

One thing that being a being a mom has taught me, is that I have to have a plan… for everything. Gone are the...

Trader Joe’s to the Rescue: a Busy Mom’s Top Trader Joe’s...

My husband and I had a night out to ourselves recently. Looking forward to it all day, I cleaned up, may have donned some...

My Love-Hate Relationship with Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping

I used to be a planner.  I used to color-code my calendar with the different types of events I had going on.  I would even...
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