
Tag: healthy eating

Mama’s Nap Time Splurges

I think I can pinpoint the exact moment my nap time splurges began. Oliver was just a few days old, and we were dealing with...

Cooking for the Heart

Hey, moms. Guess what? It's not only old men who have heart problems. Actually, heart disease is the #1 killer of women! Seriously, I...

French Kids Eat Everything, My Toddler Eats Peanut Butter

When we started our son Jona on solid foods, he devoured absolutely everything. I thought, in the smugness that only a first-time mom could...

Baby On the Way: Tips for Stocking Your Kitchen

Congratulations! There will soon be a new baby in your life! You have giggles, new baby smell, chubby thighs, and all of the other...

No More Mush! Baby-Led Weaning

Introducing new foods to my daughter was probably one of my favorite things to do when she was little. I was counting down until...

The New Rules of Snack Time

Snack time. I have a love/hate affair with it. My kids seem to whine for snacks anytime they are not snacking and then anytime they...

Veggies Families Love

I was originally going to call this “Veggies Kids Love” but then I thought about all of the adults I know who aren’t shall...

Eating Mistakes Busy Moms Make – And How to Avoid Them

Moms are busy. From the moment we wake up until our head hits the pillow, we are running a million different directions. We’re changing...

Cooking with Kids – The Beebe Family’s Story

Across Kansas City moms (and dads, and grandmas and grandpas) are working hard to get dinner on the table, delicious, nutritious meals for their...

High Protein Breakfast Recipes Kids Will Love

Growing up we had the same thing every morning for breakfast - sugary cereal with nonfat milk. I remember always being hungry an hour...

Eat Clean AND Dirty?

After 30 days of my life with only "clean food," I've come to the conclusion that eating clean IS worth it! My goals during...

Get Your Kids to Eat Better at the Table – Without...

I’ve been fighting the “eat your food!” battle for almost 10 years. Sound familiar? Each kid has taken to the dinner table differently than...

Can You Live Without Sugar? {a CLEAN eating update}

My family and I, along with other families around Kansas City (and maybe the US!) have been eating clean for almost two weeks now...

Why You Should Eat That Pumpkin Instead of Carving It

So - I’m not against pumpkin carving, or even Jack O’Lanterns. In fact, one of my favorite people in the world is an amazing...

Back-to-School Nutrition Solutions

Back-to-school season is here - and for some families, there's no better time than right now to start establishing positive nutrition behaviors with our...
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