
Julia Willhite

Julia Willhite
I'm Julia and I live in Olathe with my husband of 16 years, my 10 and 6 year old daughters, and our rescue pug Mabel. I’m a social worker turned SAHM and love Dr. Pepper, thunderstorms, and talking to other adults. I hate coffee, diet culture, and washing dishes. I'll talk your ear off about the best local parks and which restaurants have wronged me by changing their long-standing menu items. I try to walk the line between knowing a lot of stuff and not being a know-it-all. Some days I'm better than others.

Dear Me: A Letter to my Teenage Self

About a year ago when my therapist kept encouraging me to journal, and I kept resisting this suggestion, I set out to figure out WHY I had such a strong aversion to journaling. After...
empty shelves

My View: What Am I Preparing For?

All the hand sanitizer is gone. I’d heard this, but hadn’t seen it until I was at Target this morning. When COVID-19 hit the Kansas City area over the weekend it made me wonder:...

The MVPs of Indoor Play Time

February feels like a LONG month, spent mostly indoors for us. Between the inevitable ice and snow days and the (too many) days off school for holidays and conferences, we spend a lot of...
this is your year

The Year I Became a Whole New Me

I used to fantasize about having a year where I would finally become a whole new me. No longer the "before," but the new and improved "after." What I believed (and what society told...

The 25 Books of Christmas Tradition

Six years ago, we started a holiday tradition with our kids that we've actually managed to maintain each year (unlike many others that fell by the wayside). I call it the 25 Books of...

7 Ways to Become a Money-Wise Mom

Being the detail-oriented and Type-A half of my marriage of thirteen years, it happened pretty naturally that I began managing our day-to-day finances. I know many other moms that manage the money in their...

Date Night Every Night: Board Games for Two!

With just a few exceptions, my husband and I have had a date every night for the last year and a half! No, we don't have a money tree to pay for babysitters, but...

Cornucopia: KC’s Ultimate Fall Festival – The Perfect Way to Welcome Fall

This post is sponsored by the Kansas City Power & Light District. Last weekend my seven year old and I had the opportunity to go to the first annual Cornucopia: KC's Ultimate Fall Festival, presented by...

Guide to Music Classes in Kansas City

One of my favorite activities to do with my kids when they are little is to take them to a baby or preschool music class. They are so cute shaking their little egg shakers...
first-time kindergarten moms

Tips for the First-Time Kindergarten Moms

If you or someone you know has recently sent their first child off to kindergarten you may have noticed that the (mostly) chill mothers of preschoolers often transform into a ball of worry when...

7 Summer Survival Tips for the Stay-at-Home Mom

I typically enjoy being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) but the summer of 2018 was rough in my house. I had an 18-month-old and a 6-year-old and the novelty of summer wore off fast. There...

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Local Resources for Kansas Citians

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.   Some sobering facts: 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 4 men have been victims of domestic violence, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV),  20 people per...

Mama’s Off Her Meds

I recently ended a serious relationship in my life after over nine years together: my relationship with my anti-anxiety medication, Zoloft.   I didn't break it off suddenly, but after a lot of consideration and talks...

Best Libraries in Kansas City

In the greater Kansas City metro, libraries abound. Finding a good book to read or a whole stack of them is easy to do. With inter-library loan you can even have a book moved...

Cutting the (Cable) Cord

About a year ago we made the leap and cut cable and switched to streaming only services for our TV viewing. While we had been tempted for quite some time, we weren't willing to...
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