
Tag: chores

10 Ways to Fail at Doing Laundry

Everybody wants to share a little (complicated) secret on how to succeed, organize and conquer those mundane household chores. Not me. I want you...

What Did You Do Today?

“What did you do today?” An innocent question my hard working husband often asks as he walks through the door after a long day at...

Bungii: A Solution to Your ‘I Need a Truck’ Moments

How many times have you wished for a pick-up truck to haul something back home? A large Costco run, West Bottoms furniture, new Ikea...

Don’t Let Your House Go to Crap

Ten years ago, this summer, my husband and I bought our first house. Two months after we moved in, our triplets were born and...

Parenthood Outnumbered

We welcomed baby number three this past July.  As you can guess, there was lots of input and advice from everyone about how to handle...

All the Small Things: This is the Work That We Do

Pick up the toys, wash the dishes, restock the diaper bag, fold the clothes, pick up the toys again, fold the blankies and repeat....

The Behavior Chart that Really Works. No, Seriously.

I feel like I've tried it all, the journey of molding and steering my children's behavior a winding road of twisty turns and treacherous...

10 Tips to Avoid Plumbing Repairs

Kansas City plumber, Steve Snedger with Amen Plumbing on Zaarly wants people to be able to feel comfortable fixing simple plumbing issues on their...

Pregnant while Home Renovating

Call it "nesting," if you wish. But I think nesting is too tame a word to describe the home projects my husband and I have...

Household Division of Labor: Who Does What?

As I write this post, my husband is downstairs washing supper dishes while simultaneously having a dance party with our 2-year-old daughter. Soon, they'll...

My Top Five Simple Sanity Savers

Alright ladies, tell me: Is there anything better than figuring out a new system, tip, or trick that makes your life so much easier?!...

A {FOUR} Letter Word

Oh! I bet you have already guessed the BIG ones, haven't you? The ones that fall into the "cardinal sin" category and bring out the...
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