
Tag: fitness

How to Run With Your Baby

Ah, Fall. When the promise of colorful foliage views and crisp cool temps beckons me to lace up my Asics and hit the pavement. There...

You Are Capable of So Much More Than Looking Hot

I did Weight Watchers for six years before my toddler son Jonah was diagnosed with cancer. I lost 30 pounds, I wasn’t fat, but...

5 Habits of Fit Moms

Exercise. Often it’s those that need it most that have the least time for it.  And for those that do find the time, maintaining...

Get Moving! Tips for a Great Outdoor Workout

After a long, long winter, summer is finally here! I know how it can be difficult to get active and get moving during the...

The Dreaded First Workout

Six and a half weeks after my new baby girl was born, I walked into a new gym I had been looking forward to...

Holy Yoga

I remember the first time I heard the phrase "Holy Yoga." I had no idea what to expect. My only thought was that it...

Losing It

Pregnancy physically changes a mother's body: changes that are beautiful, but in my experience, hard to embrace when you already struggle with your frame. I once received...

Pregnant and Fit: Freed from the SCALE

SCALE is a dirty word in our house right now. Weight is not discussed. I'd love to be able to say that I've never...

Work those ABs!

Abs! To do - or not to do - while pregnant? There is a big misconception out there that you shouldn't work your abdominal...

new you vs. {true you}

Another New Year's Eve has come and gone and the barrage of articles, TV segments, and commercials have begun to wear me out and...

I’m Pregnant! Can I Workout?

As soon as I get pregnant, the first question most people who know me ask is, "how much longer are you going to workout?"...

Tighten That Tummy: Exercises to Sneak into Your Busy Day

Two things I know are true: 1) moms are busy, which means we have a hard time finding time to work out (in a...

Fitting in Fitness

Right before I found out I was pregnant with my son, I ran the Kansas City Half Marathon. During the first couple of months...
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