
Tag: women’s health

Mastitis, You Suck

When I was about 35ish weeks pregnant with my first, my Mom was helping me get the nursery set up and all the typical...

Chiropractic: Pregnancy and Kids

There are people who have mixed feelings about chiropractic, and others who may even scoff at the idea, but the truth is I've seen...

A Visit to the OBGYN… With Kids

I debated whether or not to share this experience, lest I shock and offend with my questionable parenting choices, but yesterday I had my...

Hysterectomy at 34

When I could no longer take the pain and the blood, I knew it was time. Time to let go of my purpose as...

‘I’m So Tired.’ A Look at Postpartum Thyroiditis

Fatigue. Weight gain. Hair Loss. Anxiety. Irritability. Sounds like just a few of the things that we all may experience shortly after delivering our...

Your Chronically Diseased Mom Friend

I have Crohn's disease. It's an irritable bowel disease. It's categorized as an invisible disease. But I feel its presence every single day, for...

Tiny But Mitey: Oak Mite Bites Are Worse than a Vampire’s

If you've been outside in the breeze or the psychotic midwest winds, you may have been unknowingly exposed to something. Perhaps, this time, it's...

Medicine and Pregnancy: When the Benefits Outweigh the Risks

What I’m about to share with you is deeply personal and from my own experience, not professional advice from a doctor. I am a...

Five Appointments to Make Every Year

Adulting. It's not particularly fun and exciting, but it's important. As a mom you probably spend a lot of time managing your family calendar...

How an Ulcer Retrained My Brain

Life got a little crazy a couple months ago, and I ended up with an ulcer. I have a high pain tolerance, but I...

Navigating Depression: Your Emergency To Do List

Depression. It seems like it is everywhere and yet no one is willing to talk about it. It isn't just feeling sad. It's feeling...

My Mommy Sense is Tingling: A Mother’s Complete Guide to Synesthesia

Fox is hard-left; spoon is soft-right. Mackenzie is orange; Amanda is lavender. And if you were to even suggest that a word might be hard-RIGHT or...

Midwives are Hippies (And Other Misconceptions)

Midwives. Floral crowns, essential oils and birth circles, right? When I had my first baby, I automatically went to an obstetrician. I thought, "Well, you get...

Cooking for the Heart

Hey, moms. Guess what? It's not only old men who have heart problems. Actually, heart disease is the #1 killer of women! Seriously, I...

When Mama Goes to the Hospital

It's difficult to quietly exit the house and leave your kids while they're sleeping. Without saying "good morning," "goodbye" or without receiving those giant running bear hugs....
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