
Tessa Shull

Tessa Shull
Tessa Shull is a lactation station, personal assistant to a threenager and lackluster wife who grew up and resides in the Royal heart of America. A working mom of two, she enjoys exploring the city, keeping up on social media trends, reading, trying new restaurants and drinking coffee–especially when it’s still hot. When she isn’t working or fumbling after her toddlers, you may find her writing, catching a Buzz event or visiting First Fridays. Check out her ramblings about life, Kansas City and motherhood on her blog, Homemade Experience.
girl siblings

Only Child versus Sibling: How Do They Differ?

Growing up as an only child, I couldn't complain. There weren't hand-me-downs or shared bedrooms, and the attention was always on me. As I grew up, however, I began to wonder what the camaraderie...

What Happens When Mom Goes To College

When I was in early high school, somewhere around 13 years ago, there was a saying going around. A saying, it seemed, everybody thought was over-the-moon hilarious, but I never really got it. The...

Chiropractic: Pregnancy and Kids

There are people who have mixed feelings about chiropractic, and others who may even scoff at the idea, but the truth is I've seen a lot of people benefit from it, including myself. And...

13 Educational Shows on Netflix for Kids

If you're like me, you probably try your best to limit screen time but also know sometimes flipping on a show is the easiest way to wind down, distract, or even spend some relaxing...

The April Giraffe Fiasco is Finally Over (So, What’s Next?)

The last two months of  many (probably way too many) people's lives have been filled with live feeds of April the giraffe and a will-she, won't-she vibe. It seemed like every other day some "expert" or...

Best Health and Tracking Devices for Moms

Staying on top of health and activity is often one of the first things that falls by the wayside once kids come into the picture. Between taking care of family and working or keeping the...

11 Excuses Moms Can Use to Say “No” to that Undesirable Event

Has anyone ever invited you to an event you really just did not want to attend (like, there really isn't much that sounds worse than going)?   In my younger years and early motherhood days, I...

After Mom Passes: What to Expect

Our mothers are the tough, loving, admirable and hard-working women who raised us, defined in so many different ways. The person who nourished and raised us as a baby, rocking and feeding us at all hours...

This is What ALS Means to a Family

Do you remember the ice bucket challenge? I do. That was about the only thing I remembered in regards to ALS, until winter 2015. ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease, is a nervous system disease that ultimately weakens...
6 Stellar Facebook Groups for Kansas City Moms

6 Stellar Facebook Groups for Kansas City Moms

It's no secret: motherhood is hard. It wasn't until I had my first baby that I actually realized how lonely and exhausting motherhood can be. After the first two to three weeks of sleepless nights, I remember barely...

What the Kansas City Royals Taught My Kids that I Couldn’t

The Kansas City Royals taught us all a lesson or two over the past couple years. They've gone from not being in the World Series since 1985 to being part of it two years...
29 KC-Related Twitter Accounts to Follow Right Now

29 KC-Related Twitter Accounts to Follow Right Now

Whether you’re a Kansas City native, transplant, mom or just an everyday Twitter lover looking for an enjoyable timeline with KC flair, this list is for you. As we’re grabbing our phones and scrolling...

Having “The Talk” With Parents

It’s hard. There’s no candy coating it. I feel like a bottle of wine is in order just to get through writing about it, because it’s something no child ever wants to face. Parents...
When Daddy Works From Home

When Daddy Works From Home

Many modern families are migrating toward new and unique ways to manage a work/life balance. The old-fashioned view of a working family structure, where dad kisses his wife on his way off to work...
7 Tips for the Social-Media-Savvy Mom

7 Tips for the Social-Media-Savvy Mom

There’s no doubt moms are much more involved in the digital world now than ever before, whether that be by choice or as a result of tech-obsessed kids. Right behind family, a smartphone or...
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