
Mallory Shannon is a birth and postpartum doula in the Kansas City Metro area, wife and mother of two. She had every intent to leave until she and her husband moved their family downtown and fell in love with the city and the culture. Self-professed coffee addict and foodie, she enjoys all that the Kansas City food and coffee scene has to offer. When she isn't chasing down her one- and three-year-old, you'll find her hitting the Farmer's market, teaching and providing Kansas City's family centered birth and postpartum doula care. You can follow Northland Doula at, or on Instagram @northlanddoula.
woman holding cup of coffee

An Ode to Coffee

Coffee. The delicious, energy-giving elixir of the heavens. The life force behind cheery, smiling moms ready to face the day. The gasoline which fuels parents everywhere. Deep, dark, almost black or pale, creamy and lovely brown. The beautiful, playful...

4 Valentines Perfect for Your Mom Friends

If there's one thing I've learned it's that mom friends are absolutely necessary for our sanity! Mom friends won't judge you for losing your mind after a long day of momming. Mom friends hang out with...

The Day I Discovered I was a Ninja

I have three kids. For anyone who has three kids, you know it is a battle of sorts to go, well, anywhere. You know that going to the store is never just a quick...

We Say “Please” and “Thank You”

When I was a brand new mom, I began my quest of finding what worked for our family. I think every new mom does just that. Every new mom has been there. Maybe they...
Navigating Depression: Your Emergency To-Do List

Navigating Depression: Your Emergency To Do List

Depression. It seems like it is everywhere and yet no one is willing to talk about it. It isn't just feeling sad. It's feeling utterly hopeless. It's having a fantastic day and not being...

True Confessions: I’m a Doula and I Love Epidurals

My name is Mallory, I'm a birth and postpartum doula, and I absolutely love epidurals. Those who know me, though, know that I had my last two children at home, unmedicated with a midwife. So, what...
I Had a Baby in 1 Hour (But Please Don't Call Me Lucky)

I Had a Baby in an Hour (But Please Don’t Call Me Lucky)

Historically I am a fast birther. With my first I was induced before my guess date, and I still only labored for 9 hours. As a first-time mom, that’s pretty quick. With my second I...
You Don't Have to Wear Yoga Pants

You Don’t HAVE to Wear Yoga Pants

Dear Moms, I’m going to say something probably slightly controversial. You don't have to wear yoga pants. You don't have to wear leggings. You don't have to wear anything specific and you don't have to...

Unconventional Baby Shower Gifts

Confession: I’m not actually a huge fan of baby showers. I've attended, I've had them thrown for me, and I've thrown them. While I am INCREDIBLY grateful that my children have been able to...

Midwives are Hippies (And Other Misconceptions)

Midwives. Floral crowns, essential oils and birth circles, right? When I had my first baby, I automatically went to an obstetrician. I thought, "Well, you get pregnant, you go to an OB!" So I did. That...

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up

I've never been one to have a perfect house. In fact, more often than not my house used to be crazy. As moms we all face the constant threat of clutter. There are always little...
DIY Holiday Gifts (that don't suck!)

DIY Holiday Gifts (That Don’t Suck!)

I have a few claims to fame in my circles. The first is, of course, I’m the birth and postpartum nerd. Not many things excite me more than seeing new guidelines come out from...

To Paris, With Love

I’ve been in love with Paris, France since I was young. I remember growing up watching Madeline. Somehow she made living in a boarding school with nuns look like the best time ever. I wanted...

A Clean House? It’s Possible!

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Cottage Care, Inc.; however, all opinions are those of the contributor who wrote them. All moms are busy. Even super moms can't keep up with the demand of a...

Big Sibling Bags

When my son was born, I put together some fun things for my daughter to do while she waited for her baby brother. When I found out we were expecting again, I decided I'd...
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