The first time I gave birth, I Googled extensively to try to find the best lists of what to bring to the hospital. And shocker, everyone has an opinion. Especially (hilariously), first time moms. So I made a list,...
Shop Like a Chef

Shop Like a Chef

One thing that being a being a mom has taught me, is that I have to have a plan… for everything. Gone are the carefree days where an extra trip to the store was a 10-minute affair, now including...
Vanessa: There's no place I feel safer than in my own home - it's a haven. Josh: We planned a home birth. We hired a nurse midwife and her assistant, as well as a doula for our family. Vanessa: Both of...
Get out and DATE this winter

Get out and DATE this winter

My husband and I always promised each other before we were married that we would continue to date after we tied the knot. Our dates quickly went from bike rides around the city to sitting next to each other...
I'm not big on traditional New Year's resolutions. My goal each year is simply to become a better person, to learn from my past mistakes and grow from every experience that life has decided to toss my way. Parenting...
Wife, mom, chef, maid, personal assistant, class mom, event coordinator, dog walker, taxi driver… you name it, we do it. To add insult to injury, we are constantly asked for favors by our “working mom” friends, because we are… ready for...

Non-Candy Stocking Stuffers

It’s difficult. The candy aisle is full of adorably wrapped sweet treats, and it’s tempting to buy an army of little M&M men and peanut butter cup-filled candy canes to top off the kiddos’ stockings. If your house is...
Last year was my first holiday season as a mom. It was magical in many ways – getting to include my baby in family traditions, taking those baby-in-a-Santa-hat pictures, and simply being thankful for the gift of our sweet...
"You're lying to your kids!" "It's so creepy!" "You're in it for years and years!" "Overachieving parents!" "They're just doing it to show of on Facebook and Instagram!"  Most of us have read blog post after blog post by people who think Elf on the Shelf...
Let's start this post with a few disclaimers. I am not an interior decorator. Our house will never be featured in Architectural Digest. I don't even have a bed frame after five years of marriage! That aside, I'm here...
Trying to find that perfect toy that your kids will love and play with for a long time can be challenging. When it comes to gift giving, I try to buy high-quality, unique, mind-expanding toys. As an educator and natural-minded...
Across Kansas City moms (and dads, and grandmas and grandpas) are working hard to get dinner on the table, delicious, nutritious meals for their kids. In my work as a cooking instructor (for both adults and kids) and as...
I’m not sure when it dawned on me that I was the momma of lots of littles. Having three in diapers, perhaps. Or, perhaps when I found myself holding three vomiting children at one time, all around my expanding...
Pinterest. Pretty much the greatest thing ever. I mean, a virtual pin-board where you can save anything and everything from the internet and organize it all onto an unlimited number of categorized boards? Genius. I have to admit, I wasn't really into Pinterest...
This year, my boys are in preschool full time, which means for the first time, I have teacher gifts to buy. Buying gifts for your child's teacher(s) can be a daunting task. Do you just buy for the classroom...



Your Guide To KC

Memorial Day Weekend in Kansas City

Memorial Day weekend in Kansas City offers opportunities to celebrate the true reason for the holiday with family friendly events. For additional weekend activities,...
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