Are you interested in submitting a guest post for Kansas City Mom Collective? We love hearing from moms in all seasons of motherhood, family types, and diverse perspectives. We are honored to give a platform for moms to share with their fellow KC moms! Before you begin writing, please read the following guidelines!

* If you are a local business owner and want to reach our audience, we’d love to talk to you about advertising options. We ask that guest bloggers refrain from writing about businesses with which they have a financial affiliation.

Guest Post Guidelines

  • Your guest post must be original content and not published anywhere else.
  • Guest posts should be between 400-800 words and proofread for errors before submitting.
  • You will need to provide a minimum of one original photo that works well with your post. You are welcome to submit multiple photos and we will select which one works best. Please include at least one horizontal photo, if possible.
  • Please provide a bio (100 words or less) and a picture of you (or you with your family) to use at the bottom of your post.
  • Content should be free from the following: profanity, sexual language, political endorsement of a party or candidate, political commentary, and derogatory or inflammatory language.
  • Please Note: We welcome all guest post submissions, but it is not a guarantee that your post will get published. We schedule our editorial calendar out a month in advance, so please consider that when choosing your topic.

To be considered for a guest post, please fill out the following form:


  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 900 MB.
  • 100 words or less
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 900 MB.
    Content published on Kansas City Mom Collective must be original and not posted anywhere else on the Internet. I am encouraged to share excerpts from my posts on my personal blogs; however, content may not be reposted in its entirety. DMC has permission to reproduce, distribute and edit my published content. My posts may be edited/removed at the discretion of KCMC. Ownership rights of all content on KCMC will be retained by KCMC to be used at its discretion. I agree to abide by copyright laws and FTC guidelines when publishing content. This means no content, photos, or videos may be published without written consent from the original author, photographer, or videographer. I will not be compensated for my content that is posted on KCMC. No expectation of goods or services is expected. I also understand that submission of my post is no guarantee that it will run.

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