
Tag: safety

Gun Safety and Your Child

There are so many things we, as parents, can disagree on. Clothe diapers vs. disposable. Organic vs. Genetically modified foods. Screen time! Can I...

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Local Resources for Kansas Citians

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.   Some sobering facts: 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 4 men have been victims of domestic violence, according to...

Daycare Doubts: Questions to Ask When Choosing Childcare

It's one of the toughest decisions you will make as a parent. Choosing a babysitter or childcare provider can come with lots of questions,...

Kids and Technology: A Parent’s Guide to Keeping Them Safe

I sat in a packed auditorium, hanging on every word our speaker said. The presenter was an FBI agent, who also happened to be...

Troost Isn’t a Four-Letter Word

"You're moving where?" said a well-meaning friend one morning when I told her the good news that we found a super cute house. "A few...

Carnival Survival Guide for Parents

Summer is (almost) here and carnies are descending upon Kansas and Missouri like ants to a picnic. If you’re like me, you know the...

Social Media and Irrational Fears

"You can never be too careful." "I just know something terrible would have happened." "It's so much more dangerous out there now than when we were...

3 kids, 3 car seats, Oh My!

Our oldest will be 4.5 years old when baby number 3 comes along, so I knew when I got pregnant one of the first...

How Can You Bring a Child Into This World?

We live in a very scary world.  Terrorism. Poisoned water. Mass shootings. Hate crimes. Infectious disease outbreaks. Every time we turn on the television or click...

Winter Car Seat Safety Reminders

Hi, mama! Winter is coming, and this is a great time to chat about some car seat safety reminders. We have all seen the...

Backseat Driver: How I Taught my Toddler to Keep Us Safe...

I’ll never forget the scene that was unfolding before me. I had been slowly making my way toward the stoplight at 135th and Murlen...

When Babies and Pets Don’t Mix

I was a sophomore in college when Louie found his way into my mom’s garage. He was a white and orange kitten, no more...

Swim Lessons: When Is It Too Soon?

Three years old. There. Blog over. Just kidding. Kind of. Being the dutiful mom that I am, I decided to enroll my 3-year-old daughter in...

To the Mom of the Kid with Food Allergies

Dear Mom, I see you over there, the one with the allergic kid. Looking worried, looking tired. I saw how you hovered near the playground...

Tips for a Safe and Fun Summer of Swimming

Like peanut butter and jelly, summertime and swimming go hand in hand. Children love nothing more than splashing, jumping and cannon-balling into any amount...
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