
Tag: self care

Going to Yoga as a Mom

Going to yoga used to be simple.  Casually saunter into class. Unroll my mat. Clear my mind. Enjoy the flow. Namaste. Going to yoga as a mom is a completely...

Mascara Tips for the Busy Mom

Whether you spend an hour on your beauty routine, or you are lucky to wash your face everyday, some situations just demand a little...

Finding Myself Again

All at once, everything crashed. My adrenaline wore off, the baby was here to stay, nobody in the house slept through the night in...

For the Mamas on Adults-Only Vacations

  I left my four year old son for six nights last spring. It was the longest we’d ever been apart, and as much as...

Happy Holiday Recovery

On this, my fourth time around the kids-and-holidays block, here’s what I'm finally learning: the first week of January should be dedicated to one...

Meet Dr. Donna Pacicca – Children’s Mercy Surgeon, Band Mom

Dr. Donna Pacicca is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, most often treating kids with sports-related injuries. Originally from New York, Dr. Pacicca started both her...

Five Appointments to Make Every Year

Adulting. It's not particularly fun and exciting, but it's important. As a mom you probably spend a lot of time managing your family calendar...

Finding the Beautiful

The baby is teething. The toddler is exercising his independence with dashes through parking lots and going forward down the stairs. The preschooler is having meltdowns...

Mama Stains

Thou shall never interrupt a mama taking a late night shower. Unless you're sneaking in to quickly tell her how much you love her...

I’d Like a ‘Meternity’ Leave, Too

In her new book, Meghann Foye proposes that women who have no children should get a "meternity" leave. Meghann herself took a whopping 18...

The Ultimate Mom Life Hack

Good news, ladies. I am pretty sure I have found the ultimate mom life-hack. It magically provides a peaceful shower (taken alone), a moment...

You Don’t HAVE to Wear Yoga Pants

Dear Moms, I’m going to say something probably slightly controversial. You don't have to wear yoga pants. You don't have to wear leggings. You don't...

Primers, Pore Reducers and Concealer: How Motherhood Refreshed My Makeup Regimen

I still remember the first time I saw my bare postpartum face in natural light. It was a hot summer afternoon, and I was...

How Mommy Got Her Groove Back

It was a cold Sunday afternoon in January. Yes, a Sunday afternoon. I didn't need a wild Friday night or a Saturday spent gallivanting...

Allow Yourself the Fresh Start: New Year’s Resolutions

  I love a fresh start. The newly opened crayons at the beginning of the school year. The carefully vacuumed carpet in a new home. The hip...
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