
Tag: self care

Planning a Babymoon

There are so many new trends surrounding pregnancy, births and entering the world of motherhood. As if becoming a mother isn’t stressful enough, Pinterest-perfect...

When Mommy is Sick: Balancing Serious Health Concerns and Motherhood

Each and every minute with our children is precious. But, for very different reasons, each and every minute of alone time holds great appeal,...

Guilty Pleasure : Romantic Comedies for the Sometimes Serious Mom

You guys, I have a secret. And it's not a scandalous, juicy one... actually, it's sort of embarrassing, in that "look, you've got food...

I Took a Shower…

I almost lost it tonight. Between the constant whining, bad nonexistent listening habits and stepping on the same damn kernel of corn on the...

But What About Mom?

I read a LOT of articles about parenting, and babies, and what to do, and what not to do. I mean, I'm a 30-year-old...

Giving Up Social Media

The honest truth is, most parents I know - scratch that - most PEOPLE I know could do a much better job at being...

new you vs. {true you}

Another New Year's Eve has come and gone and the barrage of articles, TV segments, and commercials have begun to wear me out and...

A Fear of Failure

I'll be honest, the start of a new year always frustrates me. Social media is full of people making resolutions, making budgets, making menus...

The Need to Refuel

Women, specifically mothers, are like cars. We need fuel in order to run properly. It doesn't matter if you're a smart car, an affordable...

A Perfect Weekend at The Elms Hotel and Spa

A unique, beautifully decorated historic hotel. A relaxing, luxuriously equipped spa. Lovely walking trails, gardens, and green space. Breakfast in bed. Delicious meals and...


We all have stress; that's no surprise to anyone. But I think it's fair to say we've been surprised by how some people respond...

Searching For Gratitude

One night, as I was doing the never-ending dishes, I found myself having a pretty negative self-talk dialogue. "I'm so tired, why do my kids...
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