
Tag: social media

Social Media and Irrational Fears

"You can never be too careful." "I just know something terrible would have happened." "It's so much more dangerous out there now than when we were...

When Mom Life Feels Lonely

When you’re a mom, especially to littles, you’re never really alone. Even bathroom breaks aren’t solo experiences, and if you think for a moment...

Being Present in a Social Media World

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Periscope. Trying to keep up with all of them is exhausting! I’ve been sucked into social media and gotten so...

6 Stellar Facebook Groups for Kansas City Moms

It's no secret: motherhood is hard. It wasn't until I had my first baby that I actually realized how lonely and exhausting motherhood can be. After the first...

Mama, Stop Using Social Media As Your Main News Source

Recently, a fellow mom asked a question on a Kansas City mom’s Facebook group – why someone would consider voting for a presidential candidate whose...

29 KC-Related Twitter Accounts to Follow Right Now

Whether you’re a Kansas City native, transplant, mom or just an everyday Twitter lover looking for an enjoyable timeline with KC flair, this list...

When You’re Not Part of a Village

Village (and tribe) posts seem to be all the rage right now on social media. Have you noticed that? Clever memes, heartfelt blog posts,...

7 Tips for the Social-Media-Savvy Mom

There’s no doubt moms are much more involved in the digital world now than ever before, whether that be by choice or as a...

Why You Can’t Judge a Mom by her Instagram Feed

Let me begin by saying I love Instagram. It's an easy way for me to keep up with friends (plus a Kardashian or two) and see...

Is Facebook on Its Way Out?

Ahhh, Facebook. I have a love/hate relationship with the king of social media platforms. Yes, it provides me with entertainment in those times when...

Finding Your Tribe: Internet Friends are Real Friends

Everyone, it's time to come out of the closet. We are living in the age of wearable technology, Amazon drones and self-driving cars. So, hello....

Stop One-Upping Each Other

Ladies, we need to talk. I’m a pretty go-with-the-flow kind of person, especially when it comes to motherhood. I know there are many different ways...

A Simple Way to End Mommy Wars

When my daughter was born 2.5 years ago, the so-called "mommy wars" were running rampant. My Facebook Newsfeed was filled with debates on every...

Introducing KCMB Neighborhood Mom Groups

Our primary goal in creating this site was to connect Kansas City moms both online and offline in meaningful and lasting community. For the last...

Social Media: Friend or Foe?

I’m going to open up to you about something now that is personal and somewhat embarrassing – and near and dear to my heart....
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