The Name Game: Why Naming a Baby is Hard Work
I'm currently 32 weeks into my third pregnancy, and I have no clue what we're going to name this baby.
Not. A. Clue.
I wish I were one of those people that had names picked out...
Pregnancy After Infertility
I don't even know what made me take a pregnancy test that day. The only time I'd ever seen two pink lines was after my fertility specialist confirmed our IVF pregnancies with blood work....
If Motherhood Were More Like The Bachelor…
On any given Monday night, you can find me on a couch somewhere, glass of wine in hand, watching The Bachelor with some good friends. If not the Bachelor, then The Bachelorette... or even the...
How Infertility Changed Me
This time 5 years ago, I was desperate to become a mother.
At this point we knew that IVF would most likely be our only option for conceiving. I was OK with that, but I don't think I...
7 Steps to Flower Girl Success
It's finally Spring...which means wedding season is upon us! As blushing brides everywhere prepare for their big day, there's another girl in a white dress that is anxiously awaiting her walk down the aisle.
The flower girl.
Motherhood Now And Then: An Interview with my Mom
You know the saying "keep calm and call your mom"? Well that's pretty much my motto in life. From discipline advice, to newborn diaper interpretation, and everything in between -- she's my go-to gal. She'll...
How We Got Rid of the Pacifier
As my oldest approached her 2nd birthday, I started dreading the day that we'd have to take her precious pacifier away. I was due with #2 just a couple of months later, and we...
Why You Can’t Judge a Mom by her Instagram Feed
Let me begin by saying I love Instagram. It's an easy way for me to keep up with friends (plus a Kardashian or two) and see some of the exciting things going on in their lives....
5 Tips for Surviving the Man Flu
Like all mothers, I hate to see my children sick. Every year I dread flu season and do everything I can to help my kids avoid the awful sickies that seem to be lurking around every corner....
10 Christmas Books to Add to Your Collection
It's mid-December. Stockings are hung, trees are trimmed, and lights are twinkling on houses and storefronts throughout the city. Christmas shopping is in full force, which for me, means that the UPS delivery guy and...
10 Best Halloween Books for Kids
Is it just me or does having kids suddenly make you as giddy as, well, a kid, when it comes to Halloween? I'm that crazy mom that scours stores for the perfect skeleton pajamas, frequents the Target dollar...
The Backyard Campout
Ah, camping. Crickets chirping, stars twinkling, the smell of a crackling campfire in the air. Sounds perfectly simple, right? Well add a small child or two into the mix and that simplicity is sure to go...
10 Tips for Creating the Perfect Nursery
Whether you enjoy decorating or seek the expertise of someone else to do it, I think we can all agree that there's something special about preparing a room for a newborn bundle of joy. The anticipation of...
Diaper Bag Entertainment for the Busy Toddler
Fact: I love my diaper bag. Go ahead and add that to the list of things I never thought I'd say before I had kids. But really, with my trusty bag of tricks by my...