Jollene Hastings

Jollene Hastings
Jollene has been married to her husband of 7 years and has two young boys. She grew up on the coasts (CA and NJ), but moved to the Midwest for college. After graduating from journalism school at Mizzou, she moved to KC and has fully embraced the BBQ, sports, and arts scene the city offers. Her and her husband have a medical supplies company, but she is primarily a SAHM and CEO of staying busy. Being a foodie, she enjoys cooking, trying new restaurants, party planning, and eating all the desserts. Her other interests include: traveling, Pinterest-ing, fashion, volunteering, music arts, bargain shopping, and taking 100 pictures of her boys--daily. She is grateful for family, adventures with her sons, and a loving Lord.

5 Movies with Asian Representation to Stream with Kids

Asians in the media have always been few and their portrayal was often immersed in negative stereotypes. Historically, movies with Asian representation have portrayed Asians as weak, corny, nerdy, and/or kung-fu sidekicks. It has...
Two happy kids making funny faces

Naming a Child is Hard and Special

Naming a child is a special responsibility not to be taken lightly. I definitely felt some pressure with that, but it comes with the territory. With our firstborn, my husband and I took quite...
two asian children reading a book together

18 Books with Asian Representation for Young Kids

May is AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) Heritage Month! Since 1990, this is a month that recognizes and celebrates the contributions and influence of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans in the U.S. It’s...
mom and daughter taking selfie

Being a Millennial Mom

I’m sure we’ve all heard, “When I was your age, I had to walk to school uphill both ways, barefoot in the snow!” I often think about what I’ll say one day. “When I...
hand lifting pillow, tooth underneath

The Tooth Fairy Doesn’t Stop Here

My son recently lost his first tooth. He LITERALLY lost it. While he was doing his schoolwork, I noticed the empty space in his top row of teeth. I asked if he noticed a...
virtual Christmas

A Very COVID Christmas Celebration 

I’ve been worried about what Christmas would look like this year. My extended family is on the East Coast, and I am in no way comfortable with flying back right now. But despite 2020’s...
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Cancel Culture Through Mom-colored Lenses

And….cut! A director says to end a scene, and as a result, silence any dialogue. These days, individuals are screaming "Cut!" across social media, whenever there is a disagreement or point of contention. It’s...
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Pandemic Halloween Fun

Fall, is that you I smell in the air? I’m ready for some cooler nights, pumpkin patches, apple cider, and Halloween! Remember when all you had to worry about was whether all your neighbors’...
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12 Books for Young Boys

My sons love reading books, and we make it a point to attend story time at our local library, as much as possible. Building literacy at a young age is important for transforming kids...
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Talking to Kids About COVID-19

It is obvious that our kids have been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Across the country, restrictions have eased up slightly, but the outbreak is certainly still prevalent. With schools closing early nationwide, social/physical...

10 Summer Sanity Savers to Buy Your Kids

Summer is here, and things are far from normal right now. With restrictions in place at almost every business and establishment, there are fewer options for keeping the kids entertained. Maybe your family, like...
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Staying Connected During COVID-19

The various phases of reopening in KC after two months of staying at home have left us feeling cooped up and stir crazy, some may even be experiencing quarantine fatigue. Continued social distancing doesn't mean cancelling connections; it...
kid and mom

Social Distancing and Being a Better Mom, Wife

In light of the rapid spread of COVID-19, all of us have been instructed to stay calm, stay washing our hands, and stay home. Social distancing means making daily, conscious decisions to stay away...
fearful woman

Coronavirus, Xenophobia, and Kindness in KC

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that coronavirus (specifically COVID-19) is infecting people around the world. I am no medical professional nor do I have any desire to debate the validity...
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Save Your Tupperware, Susan! (The Real Parties Moms Want)

I love a good party. The recipe for a successful party includes any combination of: an excuse to dress up, having a fun theme, eating something delicious, plenty of girl talk, possible pampering, and/or...
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