Valerie Stark

Valerie Stark
A firm believer that the Midwest is all that and a tator tot casserole, Valerie moved to KC after graduating from Mizzou in 2013. She’s been married to her husband Josh since 2015, and together they’re raising two adorable, tiny human fireworks: a preschooler named Finnian and baby Olliver. Valerie spends her workdays making greeting cards while Josh wins at the stay-at-home-dad game by teaching the Stark brothers words like “yee-haw” and going on field trips for Costco rotisserie chicken. When she isn’t tracking down a new place to drag her family to, you can find her blasting showtunes, sharing (very poorly) wine with friends, reading, listening to true crime podcasts, or near cheese. You can’t find her playing kickball, so don’t even try. Valerie, Josh, Finn, and Ollie shoot for put-together, but settle for put-on-pants—and they love every second of their reasonably-chaotic life.

Unforgettable Tours in Kansas City

With so much to see in Kansas City, it can be hard to know where to start! After all, there are nationally recognized museums, iconic stadiums, astounding architecture and industry titans around every corner....
Pregnant Asian woman with top knot crying into facial tissue.

Being Pregnant Doesn’t Always Mean You’re Happy

Movies and TV paint a stark, black-and-white picture of the moment a woman discovers she's pregnant. Either she's instantly transformed into an overjoyed, glowing pregnancy goddess who can’t stop caressing her belly, or she's...
woman's feet swinging

31 Days of Slow Living in Kansas City

Being a mom can come with a hefty schedule. You’re expected to pack your days tight with lessons and activities, cram in some volunteer hours, and squish a few family functions into the mix,...

Moms’ Guide to Legoland Discovery Center Kansas City

When you’re planning your summer stops, make sure Legoland Discovery Center in Kansas City is built into your schedule. From racing high-speed, kid-made cars to flying on a magical ride, there’s plenty to keep...
family in front of Parkville Heart mural

Spend A Day Exploring Parkville, Missouri

There are few cities that have a more eclectic metro area than Kansas City. In one day, you can do anything from taking in an opera to visiting an alpaca farm. If you’re really...
mom and dad laughing with kid

Get Laughing With Your Kids

Whether it’s a silly word or even a funny face, it probably doesn’t take a lot for your kid to break out in giggles — but it can be another story for adults. Sometimes...
leftovers in Tupperware

Easy Recipes Using Kansas City Restaurant Leftovers

There’s nothing better than throwing in the kitchen towel for the evening and taking the family out for a dinner at one of the many unforgettable restaurants in Kansas City. But after stuffing yourself...

Rediscovering the Movies and Other Loves

Sleeping in. Last-minute plans with friends. Interruption-free bathroom trips. Sacrificing some of the things you love all in the name of raising great kids is part of the parenthood game. But when you finally...
father and son looking at the oven

Stay-at-Home Dads are Actually Magic

I was at a happy hour with a few work acquaintances when someone asked what my husband did for a living. I smiled and said he was a stay-at-home dad. "Oh," they said. To be...
a fruity drink

Mocktails for Mamas: KC Bars & Drinks for Your Next Sober Happy Hour

When I was expecting my first child in 2018 and hadn’t yet announced my pregnancy, fate played a cruel trick on me: It inspired my coworkers to host a holiday happy hour at TikiCat. TikiCat...
woman smiling and drinking coffee

From Night Owl Mom To Morning Person

I am not an early bird. In all honestly, I’m probably not a night owl either, but instead some form of permanently exhausted pigeon, as artist Gemma Correll would say. But, dang...I would give...
mom working from home on computer with child nearby

Lessons from Being a Work-from-Home Mom

OK, working mamas. Mute your Slack channels. Take your break. Hide in the closet from your kids. Let’s check in. How are we doing? I personally can’t believe it’s been a year since I started...
couple laying together holding hearts

We Made It to Valentine’s Day 2021… Now What?

After almost a full year of COVID-19 restrictions in the U.S., we’ve made it to Valentine’s Day again...the last semi-normal holiday we had in 2020. And if you still have the same Valentine you...
happy woman jumping at sunset

How to Be Happy

“How to be happy.” The search suggestion flashed on the screen as I was navigating Pinterest. I hadn’t started to search for “how to be happy.” I really planned to type in “how to be...
woman holding baby while sitting at a computer reading letter with smile on her face

A Holiday Letter Worthy of 2020

It’s that time of year again! No, really…check the calendar. I know it feels like we’re still on day 4,329 of Apriltember, but bells are a-ringin’, cash registers are a-dingin’, and choirs best not be...
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