For the last four-and-change years, I've never seen myself as anything but a working mom. I never had any real desire to stay at home with my two sons. Of course there have been moments of missing out that...

When Guinea Pigs Die

Our guinea pigs died this November. On election day. Crazy, right? If it had been any other random day in November, I surely would not have remembered the date. People have laughed when I told them that the pigs...

What About Dad?

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). BBM (Building Better Moms).   Mommy and Me.   Johnson County Moms.   Northland Moms.   Kansas City Moms Blog.   And the list goes on and on for groups and resources available for Kansas City moms. What is missing from the...
“So when is the next one coming?” she asked, smiling knowingly. We were at my company’s holiday party, and I was making chit chat with some of my co-workers and their spouses. My baby boy was only 10 months...
My husband and I both grew up in small towns. Neighbors were sparse and dirt roads plentiful. Friday night lights were the social gatherings and everyone knew everyone else’s business. Following college we both moved to the “big city”...

Hysterectomy at 34

When I could no longer take the pain and the blood, I knew it was time. Time to let go of my purpose as a woman, time to let go of the possibility of another baby and time to...
Our oldest will be 4.5 years old when baby number 3 comes along, so I knew when I got pregnant one of the first things I needed to do was double check the expiration on our infant car seat....
I wrote a post last year about my favorite podcasts and asked you to tell me your favorites. A few of you mentioned Slate's Mom and Dad Are Fighting, a parenting podcast. I gave it a listen and it's...
Fatigue. Weight gain. Hair Loss. Anxiety. Irritability. Sounds like just a few of the things that we all may experience shortly after delivering our bundles of joy. But sometimes it is more than just having a new baby. Most...
How many times have you wished for a pick-up truck to haul something back home? A large Costco run, West Bottoms furniture, new Ikea furniture or a Craigslist purchase sounded like a good idea until you can't fit it...
Have you ever thought back to your childhood and realized so many of your favorite, most vivid memories are brimming with simplicity? Life now can feel anything but simple, yet we often find ourselves longing for it (or for...
I had never been more prepared for anything in my life. As the Royals’ World Series parade began in 2015, I was exactly where I wanted to be. I had studied the parade route and chosen my spot a...
My first daughter was a late term preemie, born just shy of 36 weeks, eager to meet the world and then sleep for the first month of her life. I wrote candidly about our experience with breastfeeding, combo feeding, and...
In the spirit of Dr. Seuss, and with all sarcasm intended, “How lucky, how lucky, how lucky you are” that you decided to have babies between the months of April and August. Because many parents of 5-year-olds LOVE figuring...
It's hard to believe I am halfway through my third pregnancy. I had pretty uneventful pregnancies and births with my first two. My labors have gotten quicker and quicker so we decided with Baby No. 3 to switch to...



Your Guide To KC

Kansas City Birthday Party Guide

We love a good Kansas City birthday party – whether you make your own Pinterest perfection or let the experts do the work! We’ve...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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