Germs. Ugh. As moms, we can power through a lot, but, despite our best efforts, sometimes they take us down. As a stay-at-home mom, this provides a new set of challenges. When you’re the 24/7 primary caretaker of one/two/three+...

Flying with Kids

Ah, flying. The "luxury" mode of transportation we love to hate. Long security lines, ever increasing ticket prices and being uncomfortably packed in like sardines with 150 strangers. In the rare event your flight goes smoothly, it can be...
If there's one thing I've learned it's that mom friends are absolutely necessary for our sanity! Mom friends won't judge you for losing your mind after a long day of momming. Mom friends hang out with you in your sweatpants. Mom friends...
After 34 years, I have finally learned to deal with the fact that all women judge each other. Whether intentionally or not, we do it. Sadly, I think it gets worse when you become a mom. All of a...
Raise your hand if you’ve wanted to run screaming from your house during a few too many days of being cooped up with your kids, husband and pets. I have a feeling I’m not the only one sitting here...
I have had grand plans for quite a while now to teach my preschooler about the fruits of the Spirit. I was going to do hours of blog-reading and website-scouring to find the best resources and activities for each...
Whether you adore or abhor Valentine’s Day, there’s no question that America needs a day devoted to love now more than ever. Polarizing politics have created negativity and hate, and Valentine's Day is a day to put that aside...
Valentine’s Day really sneaks up on us moms. It feels as if we are just getting settled from the mayhem of Christmas and all of a sudden this pesky little holiday appears out of nowhere demanding chocolates, class treats,...

A Mother’s Body

Standing in my bathroom at the hospital, alone for the first time in probably months, I looked at myself in the mirror. I stood there for awhile. Just thinking. Looking. How did I get to this point? How did...
You may have already heard of the "Property Laws of Toddlers." We learn life's parenting lessons one Cheerio/Lego/SOCK/day at a time. It started so innocently as the new year rolled in and we carefully chose our "words for 2017" to be Abundance...

Five Forever

As my legs pushed his lanky giggling body into the air, he looked down at me. The gentle breeze swayed the branches on the trees and rustled the gorgeous fallen leaves back and forth. I stared up at his...
Bedtime and lullabies go together like PB&J. And while Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star works, after a year of bedtimes, you won't care about the stars, the twinkle, and may even have some resentment against NASA itself.  So who says you...
Do you know the difference between North Kansas City and Kansas City, North? I didn’t for the first 22 years of my life. In fact, I honestly had no idea that there was any civilization up here aside from...
Hey, so I heard "we" are potty training. You are? How awesome. Wait can I have your mother's phone number? I'd really like to have a chat with her about why her 20-40 something daughter still uses a diaper....
Ten years ago, this summer, my husband and I bought our first house. Two months after we moved in, our triplets were born and ever since that day life has been a whirlwind. No, a tornado. Life is a...



Your Guide To KC

Kansas City Birthday Party Guide

We love a good Kansas City birthday party – whether you make your own Pinterest perfection or let the experts do the work! We’ve...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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