Kansas City plumber, Steve Snedger with Amen Plumbing on Zaarly wants people to be able to feel comfortable fixing simple plumbing issues on their own. "I’ve talked through how to fix something with some clients over the phone, or...
STEM Is the New Black

STEM Is the New Black

Science. Technology. Engineering. Mathematics. STEM is a relatively new buzz word in the education world, and you can find any number of clubs, organizations, classes, camps, curricula, and even toys to promote it. The idea is that by promoting...
After a long, long winter, summer is finally here! I know how it can be difficult to get active and get moving during the slow colder months. This is that time of year when you feel like getting moving...
It’s strange, the seemingly instinctive progression of how we view our fathers. I remember counting down as a child until dad would walks through the door, attacking him with pent up vigor upon his return. However, as we grow in our independence,...
The sound of an orchestra tuning before a concert is happening on the Internet. A network of sounds - low and deep, high-pitched, staccato and playful, slow and grieving - all moving around a central note in order to...
To celebrate the different expressions of how moms work, the KCMB series “The Way Moms Work” follows the many ways we work in a single day. We hope this series will champion all of the work moms do, both in and out...
Call it "nesting," if you wish. But I think nesting is too tame a word to describe the home projects my husband and I have undertaken during my pregnancies. In fact, our home renovation record while expecting a baby has...
Dear Breastfeeding, I regret to inform you that I am ending our relationship prematurely. I have no ill will toward you -- we had 21 good months together and two children. But it's obvious that things have been deteriorating for awhile,...
June oh my goodness how I love the produce in June! Finally, we're rocking with greens, peas, berries. The farmers markets are overflowing with wonderful piles of delicious things to take home and eat. They're all so wonderful you hardly...
You know the old adage, "practice makes perfect"? Did you know it's not actually true? Practice does not make perfect, PERFECT practice makes perfect. In the education world, we prefect the phrase, "practice makes permanent." Did you know that students...
I started doing it, little by little, after my fourth baby started outgrowing things. Mostly, it was clothes that I knew I wasn't ever going to hand down to another little baby boy because I just couldn't get...
When my daughter was born 2.5 years ago, the so-called "mommy wars" were running rampant. My Facebook Newsfeed was filled with debates on every topic from breastfeeding to circumcision to vaccinations to how long is an appropriate amount of...
My sons have a book, an adorable picture book with a simple message titled “Little Boy,” by Alison McGhee and Peter Reynolds. The book is one they've always loved, the words simple and its meaning clear. It is about...
Introducing new foods to my daughter was probably one of my favorite things to do when she was little. I was counting down until she reached the magical 6-month mark so I could whip up batches of homemade baby...
When was the last time you spent quality time with your family with no interruptions, electronics, phones or distractions? Did you even do it this past holiday weekend? In this day of technology it is so hard for us to...



Your Guide To KC

Kansas City Summer Camp Guide

Registrations are open for Kansas City summer camps and activities are filling up fast! Check out some of our favorite Kansas City summer camps...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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