STEM Is the New Black

STEM Is the New Black

Science. Technology. Engineering. Mathematics. STEM is a relatively new buzz word in the education world, and you can find any number of clubs, organizations, classes, camps, curricula, and even toys to promote it. The idea is that by promoting...
Note: This post is sponsored by, and written in collaboration with, Maize Virtual Prep School. It’s time to open the windows and doors and let the sunshine in! Better yet, get the kids outdoors and enjoy what nature has to...
"Middle school is coming. And I'm seriously considering homeschooling to avoid the bullying," Ashley said as we watched our two daughters playing in the sand with their younger siblings. "Middle school was horrible for me." "Me too," I said, remembering...
Birthdays are difficult. As moms, we use our kids' birthdays as a time to reflect on the past year, wiping a tear or two away at how quickly it is all flying by. We take this occasion to marvel...
Years ago, if you turned five years old by the school cut-off, your parents sent you up the stairs of the bus with a pencil box, bologna and mustard on white bread in a tin lunchbox, and the confidence...
Back-to-school season is here - and for some families, there's no better time than right now to start establishing positive nutrition behaviors with our children. Today, on Fox 4's Morning Show, I'm offering solutions to four areas of concern for...
The lazy days of summer are almost over. My family has been enjoying late-night lightning bug-catching and going for a new record of how many bottles of sunscreen a family with an 11, 9 and 5-year-old can use in...

Put Me In, Coach

"Sure, I can do snacks." The thought was simple enough: I’ll sign up to help coordinate the snack schedule and, perhaps, volunteer to make the run to pick up the t-shirts for my son’s t-ball team. "Not a problem," I...
I honestly can’t tell you how this happened. Some families seem destined for homeschooling. We are not one of those families. Some parents cite an inadequate learning environment or feel more equipped to give their children an education while others...
My fifth-grader is ready. I am ready, too. (I think.) I understand that this is the way time marches on throughout our lives. It seems like the marching band of life is right on my heels. How about you, Mama? A minute...
Yesterday, when my daughter came home from school, I was informed that her class would be watching a full-length movie. I had to renegotiate what this would mean for our evening. A full-length film is 1.5 hours, and we stick...
My friend, Marie, runs marathons. Did you hear me? MarathonS ... plural. More than one! She's even run the Boston. I find this impressive. I mean ... it IS impressive. But, given that I couldn't run a solid mile if...
From the time my high-spirited daughter was one year old, she was very clear in letting me know what she was passionate about - even from the back seat of our family van. She always had an eye peeled as...
Note: This post is the third in our six-part “Back to School” series. Join us for more from this series on Friday! Tomorrow, my oldest child begins kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN, people. Almost six years ago, I entered this scary world of...
Note: This post is the second in our six-part “Back to School” series. Join us for more from this series on Tuesday! Supplies have been purchased. Outfits have been laid out for the first day. Backpacks are stuffed and ready...



Your Guide To KC

Kansas City Summer Camp Guide

Registrations are open for Kansas City summer camps and activities are filling up fast! Check out some of our favorite Kansas City summer camps...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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