
Tag: mom friends

How Not to Suck at Friendship

One thing I'm trying to work on this year is being a better friend. As a mom who works full time and also writes...

Mom Friends: How to Know if You’ve Found a Keeper

Let’s be real for a second. Husbands are great. We need them as our companions, partners and Netflix-watching comrades. Moms, sisters, aunts, mothers-in-law, they...

Finding Your Tribe: Internet Friends are Real Friends

Everyone, it's time to come out of the closet. We are living in the age of wearable technology, Amazon drones and self-driving cars. So, hello....

How Mommy Got Her Groove Back

It was a cold Sunday afternoon in January. Yes, a Sunday afternoon. I didn't need a wild Friday night or a Saturday spent gallivanting...

Building Your Village: Finding a Moms Group in Kansas City

Motherhood can be isolating at times. The first few months of my daughter's life were a blur for me. Sleepless nights, breastfeeding woes, challenges in...

Building Your Village: What I Wish My Non-Mom Friends Understood

It's no secret that it takes a village to raise a child. It's not only necessary for your survival as a mother, but it...

Introducing KCMB Neighborhood Mom Groups

Our primary goal in creating this site was to connect Kansas City moms both online and offline in meaningful and lasting community. For the last...

The Four-Letter Word Every Mom Should Use

Now that I have my second child, I've noticed, not surprisingly, that a lot of things are very different this time. One thing I...

A Look Back: Moms Night Out at Bella Patina

The West Bottoms is one of the oldest areas of Kansas City. Several months ago, as we began to look ahead to celebrating our...

Really Living in My Neighborhood

I’ve lived in Kansas City two different times ... but the first time, I never really called Kansas City home. Part of the reason for...

Signs of a {BAD FRIEND} and 10 Ideas for How to...

I was a better friend before I had kids.  There, I said it. Has that ever tugged at your heart as a mom? It repeatedly tugs...

The Power of a Mom Friend

The other day I received a text from a fellow mom who had moved from the Midwest to a new city. She asked me,...
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