
Tag: self care

Practicing Anti-racism and Self-Compassion at the Same Time

I teach self-compassion. Specifically, I teach women how to practice self-compassion and believe they are good enough. In my private coaching calls with women I often...

Unexpected Summer Getaways

We pitched a tent in our yard and “went” camping this weekend. Our fire pit in the driveway we called a “campfire,” even though...

Oprah, Me, and My 2020 Vision

In January, I spent an amazing day with Oprah Winfrey. Yes, it was just me, Oprah, and 20,000 of our closest friends. I was...

The Early Mornings are My Version of Self-Care

Self Care. The buzzword heard everywhere from mommy bloggers to doctors, talk show hosts to girlfriends. It is especially popular at the start of...

Enjoy a Spa Party with Birdie’s Travel Spa

What mom doesn’t need to spend an evening at the spa? Better yet, what mom doesn’t need a spa that comes directly to their...

My Check Engine Light Is On

It was one of those mornings where nothing was going right and the car ride to school was no different.  Both kids were screaming...

21 Day Reset to More Intentional Living

As mothers, we are in overdrive most, if not all the time. Our energy is spent before we are able to intentionally decide where...

Getting Reacquainted with My Pre-Mom Self

Last year I was visiting my mom, and she asked me what I had been up to. I immediately launched into a description of...

A Real Mother’s Guide to Solo Travel

There are those really long days, when I’m questioning my sanity and needing to remember pieces of myself. Days that can get dark and...

Married Independent Woman

The day every little girl dreams of, her wedding day. This is the day you get your own Prince Charming, and the man you...

My Breakup with Makeup

We all remember our first makeup. The overly sticky sparkly plastic set of something or other as a kid. The first time we got...

An Ode to the Golden Hour

The bath is done. The jammies are on. The bedtime stories have been read. The child is finally asleep. Let the golden hour commence,...

Using Mudita to Cure FOMO

Mudita is one of my very favorite words. A Sanskrit word with no English counterpart, mudita translates to sympathetic joy; the pleasure that comes...

I’m Having an Affair

  I've been thinking about it for awhile. It's been in the back of my mind but I never had the courage to do it. The...

Mommy’s Got A Meeting

A couple of years ago when my daughter was two and a half, I decided it was time to find me again. Prior to becoming...
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