Teach Kids to Save + Give Back This Summer
This post is sponsored by Capitol Federal® Savings Bank.
I opened a saving account at Capitol Federal for my 6-year-old daughter, Layla, because I want her to understand financial responsibility.
I want Layla to always know that...
Where Do We Go From Here? Conversations About Race
I’ve had lots of friends calling, texting, and posting things to check on me asking, “how do you feel?” “Are you OK?” I don’t know how to answer the questions that my friends have...
Cooking During Quarantine
Has the panic set in yet? For my family, this season is definitely making me more aware of who is around me, and the kids coughing and such. The good news is that I...
Learning to Love My Body: A Teenager’s Story
Contributor note: This guest post is written by my 18-year-old daughter, Jelise. She is sharing her story to remind moms how hard it can be to accept yourself and develop a healthy body image,...
Communicating with Your Spouse
We have been married 10+ years, and I still find myself fighting sometimes for my husband to talk to me after a disagreement. I will admit I nag him a little, just for him...
Finding Myself Again
Maybe I have fallen into the trap of a New Year’s resolution, or maybe I am just truly ready for a change. Either way, it's time for me to take a leap of faith....
Three Places to Volunteer in Kansas City
This past month has been eye-opening for me in the sense that we--no, I--spoil our children. Our oldest son came home and asked me if he could have $20 for an event at school....
How to Conquer Co-Parenting During the Holidays
Eleven years ago, getting divorced was the first step in putting my life back together. I am not sure how we got to that point, but we did--which is another story that requires a...
Stay-at-Home Mom Tips from a Mom of Five Kids
As a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) I get the question all the time from my working friends: what do you do all day? My go-to response is that I am Cinderella without the fancy ball...
When Color Matters
2019 is the year where my kid(s) looked at humanity differently. My husband and I have always made sure that our kids treat other people with kindness, respect, and decency. It has always been...
Score a Touchdown with the YMCA and Chiefs Flag Football Program
Damien is our middle kiddo and sometimes get lost in the shuffle of five. And with attention deficit disorder, it's hard to get him to complete a task. So, when the opportunity of playing...
I Wish: What I Want Moms to Know About Children and Mental Health
Helping your child navigate mental illness is tough, and it's even harder because it's not openly discussed. Not being able to discuss something as important as you or a loved one's mental health is...
Gearing up for Prom
It's prom season in our house! My freshman and junior are beyond excited. This mommy is not as excited as I am sad to see my babies growing up.
We have a few short weeks...
Married Independent Woman
The day every little girl dreams of, her wedding day. This is the day you get your own Prince Charming, and the man you unite your life with. We take a commitment of “for...
Mom vs. the Laundry
Christmas break was awesome as usual: hot chocolate, movies and forts in the living room, and bonding with my kids again. While we all had our heads in the holiday clouds, my laundry was...