
Tag: winter

Keeping the Holiday Spirit Alive

The holidays are going to look a lot different this year. But if 2020 has taught us anything, it is to learn how to...

This Winter, Choose to be Kind

It’s safe to say that right now our country is hurting. We are divided over issues big and small and so many of our...

Adjusting My Winter Bucket List

Normally this time of year, I would be busy making our family’s winter bucket list. Making lists of Christmas light displays, Santa visits, Black...

The MVPs of Indoor Play Time

February feels like a LONG month, spent mostly indoors for us. Between the inevitable ice and snow days and the (too many) days off...

The Top 10 Reasons Why I Am Over Winter

Are you just completely over winter yet? If your answer is "heck yes," please join me in a short list of reasons why we...

Easy Sensory Bins and Indoor Activities to Keep You Sane

I am writing this post while it is snowing. It has been snowing all day. It is supposed to keep snowing tomorrow. If you're anything...

There’s Nothing Like a Snow Day

There’s nothing like a snow day. The snuggles. Nestling up to a warm fire. Spending all day in pajamas. Sipping hot cocoa and watching...

My (Not So) Perfect Snow Day

I remember snow days so fondly. My brother and I would stay in our jammies all day.  We would watch movies, read and relax....

Healthy Eating in the Winter Months

With the frigid temps outside and oversized sweaters and comfy leggings on, all I want to do is cozy up and nosh on some...

10 Steps to Preparing for a Kansas City Ice Storm

Have you heard? KC might be getting an ice storm ... I mean, possibly ... there's a chance. Here's your Guide to Preparing for...

Happy Holiday Recovery

On this, my fourth time around the kids-and-holidays block, here’s what I'm finally learning: the first week of January should be dedicated to one...

Beating the Winter Blues

After the hustle and bustle and bright lights of the holiday season come the grey days. While the 31 days in January and the 28/29...

Coats and Car Seats (The Most Annoying Part of Winter)

Ah winter, that great time of year when we get to bust out the boots and sweaters and hats and scarves. Winter used to...

Kid-Friendly Winter Drinks

I love a hot chocolate packet, don't get me wrong, but by mid-January I've reached my instant hot chocolate threshold. To spice things up, my...

Do You Want to Build A Snowman: 9 Things to Love...

It's the first week in December in Kansas City. There's a chill in the air, the grass is prickly with frost in the mornings,...
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