The Hydration Hack I Didn’t Know I Needed

women in chairs at hydration spa

This post is sponsored by LIVE Hydration Spa.

I wish I could say that I do a great job of prioritizing my hydration, but the truth is most days I am drinking entirely way too much coffee and way too little water. If this sounds familiar, rest easy knowing that you’re not alone!

Like many other moms, I am great at ensuring my kids are staying hydrated and keeping up with their daily water intake, but I struggle to do it for myself. When I think about those moments I am overcome with fatigue or have a weak immune response to the everyday colds my kids bring home, I know that my chronic dehydration is a big factor. It wasn’t until recently that I realized that I needed to act if I was going to make improvements to my overall health and well-being.

Desperate to jumpstart my new hydration wellness journey, I was excited to try the hydration IV experience at newly opened LIVE Hydration Spa Parkville. My first appointment came at the perfect moment and was the opportunity I needed to help me from the inside out.

group of women in front of Live Hydration Spa signHow Does a Hydration Spa Work?

From start to finish, my experience at LIVE Hydration Spa Parkville. was so simple. When I arrived, I was warmly greeted by a team of highly trained medical professionals (most current or former nurses) who were ready to answer all my questions and to help me get familiar IV hydration process. As someone who still gets a little scared of the occasional needle poke, the reassurance and professionalism of the staff was appreciated.

Before we started, I sat down for a quick consultation with the nurse to identify my hydration needs, take some basic vitals and discuss my overall health history. After talking about my health history and wellness goals, it was time for me to pick out my IV hydration treatment.

LIVE Hydration Spa offers a menu with options to fit any client, but I was personally drawn to the Pizazz hydration treatment, which focuses on improving energy levels and vitality. This formula also helped enhance and reduce the two main areas of concern I had: my immune system and ongoing fatigue. Once

I picked out my therapy treatment, it was time to get comfortable and relax as the they started my IV. Each client gets their very own comfortable lounge recliner for the duration of the experience, and it was as simple as laying back while the nurse gently placed the IV in my arm. From the moment the IV was placed, it took about an hour for me to take in the IV nutrients. While I waited, I was able to relax with my very own pillow and blanket.

After an hour of relaxing, the IV was removed and I immediately could tell a difference. I felt amazing! I remember so clearly leaving my treatment at 7:30 p.m. and feeling so rejuvenated and energized even though it was the end of a very long week. What’s even better, is that this feeling didn’t just go away that night, but I felt the shift in my overall well-being (better sleep quality, improved energy levels, etc.) for several more days after the IV therapy.

I am so happy that I made this investment in myself. Your self-care and the journey towards wellness is too important not to prioritize. If you’ve been on fence about IV therapy treatments, I encourage you to give it a chance! You never know, this might be the hydration life hack you didn’t know you were missing!

About LIVE Hydration SPA Parkville

LIVE Hydration Spa is a premier IV hydration spa that provides a comfortable, relaxing environment for clients to receive specialized IV therapy. Originated in Omaha, Neb., in 2018, founders Felicia Janovich and Casey Kuhl, realized there was a gap in the available treatment options for community members seeking preventative care & symptom relief for their everyday wellness needs. The Live Hydration Spa was created with that gap in care in mind and to provide an accessible avenue for people to have a better quality of life through a consistent nutrition therapy routine. The spa offers a great menu of options the help clients do everything from maintaining good health and wellness, managing acute illnesses and athletic recovery, and providing cosmetic rejuvenation.

Each visit is tailored to providing treatment that fit your individual symptoms with the most care & professionalism. Booking is easy and can be done 24/7 online around your desired schedule. For clients who are seeking longer term solutions to their everyday health needs, LIVE Hydration Spa memberships are available for monthly health maintenance plans.

Visit for more details on hydration packages, and locations.

Solissa Franco-McKay
Hi friends! My name is Solissa (pronounced “So-Lisa”), and I live in Lees Summit, MO with my husband/best friend Adam and our two daughters Everly (6) and Mia (2). I was born & raised in San Diego but have called KC home for the last 18 years. Although I miss the warm weather & beaches, I LOVE raising my family here in the Midwest. I am a proud first-generation college graduate who attended the University of Missouri-Kansas City where I earned both my bachelors & master’s in education. I was once a brave soul who taught middle school but now, I have the privilege of serving the nonprofit community a program director for a local college access/scholarship program. Outside of my full-time job, my personal passion project/side hustle is teaching mindfulness to K-12 school communities. If you really knew me, you would also know that I am your typical introvert who would rather be at home on a Friday night, but I also appreciate the opportunities to meet new people and try new things. When I am not overly consumed by parenting and work life, I love the moments where I can get lost in a really good book, connect with nature on a local trail (Kansas City has so many great ones!) or binge watch the latest streaming sensation (you name it, I’ve probably watched it!). Being a mom is the best and hardest job I’ve ever had the privilege of holding and I’m so honored to be part of the Kansas City Mom Collective! Cheers to learning and growing in community! XOXO