
The Price of Sleep

Sleep is precious. And in my case, sleep is expensive! I cringe at the amount of money I have spent on various products that just might help my kid sleep. Keyword is might. At 2:30 in the morning, I’m willing...
Life as a parent is full of changes. I talk about poop a lot now. I consider the opportunity to go to bed at 10 p.m. a true luxury. I'm a constant watchman for BPA, soy additives, and any...
Mother's Day is on the horizon, but perhaps your children and/or significant other have waited until the last minute to think about a gift. Luckily some of the best gifts you can give are not sold in a store!...
In the blink of an eye, I am now well into my last trimester! I remember thinking June seemed like an eternity away, and now it’s almost here. Now that times ticking, I’ve been in full on nesting mode. I’m...
Dear My Daycare Lady aka Other Mother aka Miracle Worker, Where do I start? How do I properly thank someone for loving my children and treating them as your own? I guess I should explain to our readers who you are...
If you're like me, you probably try your best to limit screen time but also know sometimes flipping on a show is the easiest way to wind down, distract, or even spend some relaxing family time together on a...
We’ve all seen the mess, stepped on Barbie shoes, bought the fancy containers, and we’ve all spitefully vacuumed up Legos. I woke up one day and noticed that my house had disappeared under piles, mountains, and containers of crap...er...I...
“How are you?” seems to be a generic greeting now-a-days. People don’t always wait for an answer. Some don’t even expect an answer. But if a response is given, it’s almost always either a quick and cheerful, “I’m good!...
I was warned that breastfeeding would be hard and painful. If someone asked me how my breastfeeding journey went, that’s exactly how I’d describe it, hard and painful. With my first, I knew something wasn’t right when it was...
Pretty early on in my pregnancy, my husband and I came to the decision that barring any divine intervention, this baby would be our only. He and I are both on the older side (I was 35 and he...
Dear Instant Pot, I feel a little funny writing to you. We’ve been working together so well though, and my heart is telling me it’s time to tell you how I really feel.  I love you. The way you bail me out...
Baseball season is in full swing! Temperatures are warming, the kids are almost out of school, and for many of us, that means it’s time to start planning our first Royals outings of the year. There’s plenty of great...
Pssst — did you know Mother’s Day is quietly approaching? Instead of racing over to Amazon two days before, why not consider shopping locally? Kansas City is FULL of local companies that produce unique and quality products. Here are some...
Dear sweet not-so-baby boy, I’m writing this letter to you as an apology. You are beyond a doubt the sweetest, most kind-hearted, gentle soul I have ever met. I’m so sorry for what I have done over your past 8...
The last two months of  many (probably way too many) people's lives have been filled with live feeds of April the giraffe and a will-she, won't-she vibe. It seemed like every other day some "expert" or "specialist" was guaranteeing she would...



Your Guide To KC

Memorial Day Weekend in Kansas City

Memorial Day weekend in Kansas City offers opportunities to celebrate the true reason for the holiday with family friendly events. For additional weekend activities,...
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