I’ve been counting down the weeks and now days until Baby Love, KC’s Only Baby Fair on June 11 at the Overland Park Convention Center. Frantically prepping and panicking, trying to get everything done and ready for our new...
I’m a big believer in moms having something that brings them joy outside of the everyday of parenting. A way to remember you are a well-rounded woman, who has passions and skills, and you’re not afraid to use them!  First,...
Some moments overwhelm me with a flawless combination of pride, beauty, and joy. And love. The unconditional, protective, all-consuming kind of love. I watch in wonder as he plays on my lap, by my side, on the playground. I...
It’s no secret — my mom is my best friend. She lives 7 minutes down the road and yet we speak daily. It’s unusual for us to go three days in a row without seeing each other and if...
There are a lot of things I’ve planned: my wedding, my grocery list, our future Disney trip (down to every hour, I might add), etc. My birth plan? It looks like this: do what’s best for me and baby...
Does anyone else feel the pressure to plan a bunch of fun activities for her kids once summer rolls around? Is anyone else terrible at that? Especially when you work full time year-round and summer feels pretty much like...
Have you ever thought something about someone else and said it out loud not thinking anything of it? We all have...so don't lie to yourself. This whole motherhood thing has so many different options and ways to do things that...
If you are lucky enough to have visited any of the  fabulous parks in Lee’s Summit you'll understand why they are an award winning Parks and Rec Department. A dedicated group that provides such great spaces for all ages...
The flowers are in bloom, the weather is perfect. This can only mean one thing; wedding season is officially upon us! If you are anything like me, however, you’ve hit a stage in your life where the baby shower invitations...

The Price of Sleep

Sleep is precious. And in my case, sleep is expensive! I cringe at the amount of money I have spent on various products that just might help my kid sleep. Keyword is might. At 2:30 in the morning, I’m willing...
Life as a parent is full of changes. I talk about poop a lot now. I consider the opportunity to go to bed at 10 p.m. a true luxury. I'm a constant watchman for BPA, soy additives, and any...
Mother's Day is on the horizon, but perhaps your children and/or significant other have waited until the last minute to think about a gift. Luckily some of the best gifts you can give are not sold in a store!...
In the blink of an eye, I am now well into my last trimester! I remember thinking June seemed like an eternity away, and now it’s almost here. Now that times ticking, I’ve been in full on nesting mode. I’m...
Dear My Daycare Lady aka Other Mother aka Miracle Worker, Where do I start? How do I properly thank someone for loving my children and treating them as your own? I guess I should explain to our readers who you are...
If you're like me, you probably try your best to limit screen time but also know sometimes flipping on a show is the easiest way to wind down, distract, or even spend some relaxing family time together on a...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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