The holiday season not only requires our time but our money, adding more stress to the monthly budget. There are ways to still make the holidays magical but cut back on spending. "I Can Make That." By all means, browse. Get ideas...
Get started on your holiday shopping without the crowds during a special event just for KC moms! Kansas City Moms Blog and Costco are excited to host the Costco Mom Hour on Friday, Nov. 13. Costco will open their doors an hour early at 9...
Does your recipe for stress include a heaping helping of Thanksgiving, with a dash of Christmas and a pinch of New Year’s added in? Special occasions and big expectations team up to create extra long to-do lists and headaches...
Guess what, Mom? It is November. Somehow it snuck up on us! This season always promises magic and fun, but usually brings with it more than a sleigh full of stress. I don't know if it's having a second...
My husband and I both come from large extended families. He has several siblings, nieces and nephews. I have two brothers and a plethora of cousins with whom I'm very close. Our families live several hours away, which means...

An Ode to Halloween

I will never forget my first Halloween as a parent. My little pumpkin (no pun intended, I really did dress her up as a pumpkin) was only seven months old, but I felt like I had entered a whole...
The biggest success of my day is wiping my kitchen counter. Yes. Spraying my counter with cleaner and taking a towel to it. I'm not a neat freak or a super clean mama. When I wipe my kitchen counter, I've...
I almost lost it tonight. Between the constant whining, bad nonexistent listening habits and stepping on the same damn kernel of corn on the kitchen floor for the umpteenth time (I had swept the floor 32 times today. How was...
Before long, the crisp fall breeze will transition into bitter winter bluster, but don't feel trapped inside watching endless episodes of Daniel Tiger. I've scoured the city, two tots in tow, for the best indoor play spaces. Let's toss on our parkas and...
Creating a Family Budget

Creating a Family Budget

I was in my third trimester when a report came out stating that the average cost of raising a child was up to $245,000. You read that right. $245,000. I'll give you a minute to let that sink in. Wipe the...
My mind has been spinning with questions since May 4, 2012. It started the moment I finally saw the word "pregnant." First, my questions revolved around what I was putting in and on my own body. What superfoods would...
We walked into a public bathroom yesterday and my four year old son said, "They shoulda put an arrow going down." It made me feel proud of my masking taped toilet lid project. I wanted to be proactive in helping...
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Cottage Care, Inc.; however, all opinions are those of the contributor who wrote them. All moms are busy. Even super moms can't keep up with the demand of a house sometimes! I don't think...
Cancer. This six letter curse word is all too increasingly finding its way in to the homes of loved ones, friends and acquaintances. We see the "Rally for…(insert name of child, mother, brother, sister, father here)" Facebook pages, lending support...
Want to maximize that costume and wear it as many times as possible? We've collected our favorite costume-wearing, treat-collecting events in the KC area below. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list, but favorites of our team. Add...



Your Guide To KC

Kansas City Birthday Party Guide

We love a good Kansas City birthday party – whether you make your own Pinterest perfection or let the experts do the work! We’ve...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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