
My Hysterectomy

CW: menstruation, reproductive health, surgery A month after my 32nd birthday I made one of the most important decisions of my life. And it’s a decision that may make many readers uncomfortable, which is exactly why I’m writing about it. Four...

Little Blue Pill

As a pre-teen and teen I was exposed to mental health issues and the care of them in a really unhealthy way. As my mom struggled with depression by utilizing the tools she needed, therapy and even a hospital...
Ever had those burning questions you want to ask your OB/GYN but you're too afraid to because you don't want to sound silly or don't want to waste their time? Well, you don't need to worry about that anymore...
Cold and flu season is still ramping up, and moms all over KC are hoping for two things. First, no more snow days. Enough. Second, we want our kids to stay healthy! Even with our best intentions, it’s normal...
I'd like to begin with a caveat - I am not a doctor or a therapist. My son experienced a bout of mild, manageable anxiety and the following resources were very useful as we helped him navigate new feelings....
It was February 14, 2018 - Valentine’s Day – one year ago - when my husband and I went in for a scheduled induction for our first child. We celebrated with a romantic dinner before settling into our hospital...
Wanna know a secret? We struggle with wasting food at our house. Not terribly, but certainly more often than I would like, which always triggers some guilt because I hate wasting food. It feels akin to setting money on...

Big Mama

Growing up weight weighed on me. Between being dragged to my mom’s Weight Watchers meetings and Jenny Craig check ins; and my grandmother’s constant harping about watching what “we” eat, apologizing to people when I ordered what was deemed...

My Breakup with Makeup

We all remember our first makeup. The overly sticky sparkly plastic set of something or other as a kid. The first time we got a real makeover at the mall. When we learned to use actual brushes and concealer....

Thirty Six

It’s never been my style to get upset about turning another year older around my birthday. I enjoy celebrating and one of the few things that doesn’t make social media the worst thing ever is hearing from people on...
The Problem I'm sure many of you can relate to having way more back and neck aches and pains than you think you should. Isn't it aggravating when it holds you back from normal life activities? A couple of years...
The new year is here and with it, an onslaught of new people at the gym.  I know a lot of gym “regulars” will not love the crowding, the unintentional ignorance of unwritten gym rules, dismiss “the resolutioners.” But we...
Mudita is one of my very favorite words. A Sanskrit word with no English counterpart, mudita translates to sympathetic joy; the pleasure that comes from delighting in other people’s well-being. Doesn’t that just sound so amazing? Being happy for...
The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends scheduling your babies’ first eye exam at six months of age. Healthy eyes and good vision play a critical role in how infants and children learn to see and eye and vision problems in...
I've been on birth control for more than 20 years, but I've never quite found the right match for me. Since giving birth to my 4-year-old, my body hasn't responded well to birth control. The last four years have been...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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