As a college freshman, I decided to major in interior decorating. I loved designing random floor plans and decorating my dream home. I'd spend hours moving walls around in my head, picking out color schemes and placing furniture -...
Halloween. I’m the girl who would go to a midnight showing of "Psycho" and DVR any countdown of the Scariest Movies of All Time to watch when I was alone. I don’t know what that says about me, but my...
Back-to-school season is here - and for some families, there's no better time than right now to start establishing positive nutrition behaviors with our children. Today, on Fox 4's Morning Show, I'm offering solutions to four areas of concern for...
Like many, I’m a bit obsessed with HGTV shows and magazines that promise to disclose organizational secrets that will provide me an hour more free time each day - along with the key to unlocking a treasure chest of...
The lazy days of summer are almost over. My family has been enjoying late-night lightning bug-catching and going for a new record of how many bottles of sunscreen a family with an 11, 9 and 5-year-old can use in...
I just  came in from the garden. Meaning, I literally just walked in the door minutes ago, took off my dirt-clad shoes, and came up to my office to write this post (I'll spare you a photo of the...
My husband and I had a night out to ourselves recently. Looking forward to it all day, I cleaned up, may have donned some lipstick, even put on a (clean!) skirt, and after sneaking a little kiss, pulled up...
Although my kids are fairly picky eaters, they love fruit. LOVE IT! In the summer months, we can't get enough blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, peaches, and other seasonal favorites. Today, on Fox 4's Morning Show, I shared four fantastic summer recipes...
As a mom of three girls, 11, 9 and 6, I think a lot about parenting mindfully on a finite planet. I think about what we engage in and what it conveys to my girls about the earth’s resources....
The idea lingers like a little thought bubble above your head. You’re quick to pop it when it comes into view, but then your thoughts turn to reorganizing closets in the color-coordinated bins with fancy labels that you just...
There’s nothing like grabbing your camera to capture your little one’s darling food-covered face only to realize it’s totally dark once you actually take the picture. Or wanting to snap their awesome underwear and superman cape run through the...
As you know from my last post, I grew up on a farm in Iowa. When many of my grade-school friends were spending their summer days at the swimming pool, I was working in our family's garden (or as...
When I wrote this Earth Day post, I was anti-lists. I usually shy away from offering how-to lists because there are so many circulating already - and I figured that if given information about something, people would naturally extrapolate...
My heart swells when my son pulls out his work from school. He is so excited to share his projects with us and we love seeing them! We love looking at his letters, numbers, drawings, hand prints, homemade presents,...
My dad's name is Patrick Leonard Kelly. He was born on March 17th (St. Patrick's Day); to say my family is a little Irish may be an understatement. :) My grandmother's maiden name is McNamara, and all my siblings...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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