Meltdowns. Tantrums. Tears. We’ve all been there with a photo session gone wrong. It’s stressful, embarrassing and such a disappointment. And then add these same reactions from our kids? It’s the pits. However, having not only been in this boat...
It's spring again! In the Midwest, this also means the anticipation of thunderstorms and the threat of tornadoes.  When the EF5 tornado hit Joplin, MO in May 2011, many people in Kansas City came to the aid of those devastated by the destruction. Wanting...
Oh my. How do I capture a day in my life – a day in my disorganized, frenzied, hectic, full-of-laughter, fake it 'til you make it, life? Well, my mornings are fairly predictable. I make my boys (Max, 8, and...
About a month ago, an article entitled "Being a Stay-at-Home Mother is Not a Job" by Liz Pardue-Schultz began circulating around the internet. Typically I try to stay out of anything that smells of "mommy wars," but I’m currently...
Do you have an old t-shirt that just makes you feel perfectly cozy and wonderful when you put it on? My t-shirt's name is Target. Let's get it out of the way: yes, this basically solidifies my membership in the Standard...
As second-time parents, I thought we had the whole "fourth trimester" thing figured out. You know, the first 12 weeks of a baby's life where they're adjusting to life outside the womb and the period of time where you,...
As I sit here typing, it's 8:45 p.m. My children have "been in bed" for 45 minutes. They are still awake. One is crying because he wants to sleep on the couch. One is whining because he is thirsty....
Note: This post is sponsored by, and written in collaboration with, Secure Counseling, LLC. Parenting is hard. Shaping little humans is the most difficult thing most of us have ever done. There are so many things I wish I had been...
My husband grew up on the other side of the world. We met during a summer job at Yellowstone National Park during college, and while our backgrounds and life experience were as different as they could be, we were...
"Middle school is coming. And I'm seriously considering homeschooling to avoid the bullying," Ashley said as we watched our two daughters playing in the sand with their younger siblings. "Middle school was horrible for me." "Me too," I said, remembering...
If you're like me, you find yourself running out of shampoo and deodorant and toothpaste at the worst possible times. So, last year, after one unfortunate day of smelling like my husband's deodorant all day at work (sorry, honey!)...
It’s not quite 9 a.m. and the dishwasher is going, the laundry machine whirring in ritualistic harmony. I’ve worked out, written three emails, balanced the budget, changed two dirty diapers (of two different culprits), held an attitude adjustment session,...
I have a newborn.  Isn't he cute? Is he still cute when I tell you that this picture was taken in the 3 a.m. hour? I also have a "morning person" toddler, a dog who takes up far more of the bed...
April 22nd is Earth Day! This annual day of celebration is a great opportunity to talk to your kiddos about the importance of taking care of our environment. Throwing that paper plate into the recycling bin is an important...
I am a full-time working mom. While pregnant with my first child, my husband and I weighed our options and decided that it made the most sense for me to continue working once the baby was born. Two years...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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