April 22nd is Earth Day! This annual day of celebration is a great opportunity to talk to your kiddos about the importance of taking care of our environment. Throwing that paper plate into the recycling bin is an important first step, but they might not know the fun they can have by reusing things around the house in unique ways. A few fun ideas for those rainy Spring days that keep everyone inside:
DIY Bird Feeders: Hey birdie, birdie. How cute is this little creation? With an empty plastic water bottle, wooden spoons, and birdseed, you can build a fun little feeder that will give those little bird legs a place to rest while they eat. Drill two holes into the bottle for each spoon (one side larger than the other to let the seed spill out) and fill with seed – presto! A charming little feeder to hang from the nearest tree.
Upcycled Wind Chimes: If you’re anything like me, you step on something sharp walking to the kitchen at least ten times a day. In my house, those sharp little things are Legos; perhaps your house has its share of craft beads or shiny little objects that stayed in their designated bin for one full day before being spilled into every corner and crevice in your living room. Here’s your opportunity to take those pretty little things and turn them into something beautiful (that will hang shoulder-high and save your feet). With nothing more than an old colander, beads, string, and a little imagination, your kids can turn items around the house into something that sways in the wind and makes you smile each time you hear it chime.
YOXO Toys: YOXO (“yock-so”) construction kits use sustainable recycled materials to create toys and promote creativity in kiddos. Made from recycled wood pulp, these kits come with instructions to make a specific YOXO hero and directions to make additional designs. Easy to take apart, kids are encouraged to get creative and incorporate items from around the house to build, re-build, and build-again anything they can imagine!
Mason Jar Terrarium: Small, medium, or large – it’s up to you how spacious you want your terrarium to be. Using a mason jar that you probably already have around the house, fill it with a layer or rocks, charcoal (to soak up any smell), small plants, and decorative figures to add to the virtual landscape. Kids will enjoy creating a miniature reality in a glass jar and you’ll enjoy teaching them how to bring a little earth into the home – a little earth that doesn’t involve tracking in mud from their shoes.