I am now about halfway through my second pregnancy. Saying the two pregnancies has been different is the understatement of the year. While I was fairly breezy the first time around, with this pregnancy, that feeling has been taken to...
Whether you have a garden of your own or are enjoying beautiful flowers in your neighbor's yard or sampling fresh produce from local farmer's markets, you have probably noticed that this has been an exceptional year for gardens in...
"Thank you" is one of the first phrases my children learned to say. Sure, my daughter sometimes says "thank you" when she should be saying "I'm sorry," but we're working on it! Regardless of when your child(ren) first learned...
Earlier this week, my children and I were waiting for our lunchmeat to be sliced at the deli counter, passing time looking at the different shapes of the fancy cheeses. A woman next to us smiles kindly at the...

Sister, Sister

I'm 6 months pregnant and have yet to feel like I've done anything to get prepared for this new baby. My husband and I seem to be going through the motions of everyday life - we're busy and the...

To Be Known

The Bridges of Madison County is one of my favorite movies.  I love it on an almost irrational level; perhaps it’s because I grew up in Iowa and can relate to the dusty roads and beauty of old farm...

Grandparents Day

My granny was perpetually late. If she said she was leaving for our house (a two hour drive) at eight o’clock? Plan on her around noon. In fact, when I was little, I got in the habit of waiting...
Wee-wee, bottom, heinie, chest, squatty, cooter, vajayjay, twat, kitty, peach, lady-parts, lady bits, wiener, nuts, balls, pointy-thing, ding dong, down there. These are just a few of the creative, nicer  words used to describe genitalia by both children and adults alike. When I...
This summer included two major milestones in the French household. For the first time... ever ...my children enjoyed playing in the water, beyond and outside the limited scope of our household bathtub, anyway. Not only this, but the big bonus -...
This is a picture of my son’s baby book with a sweet, blond-haired, blue-eyed boy on the cover: Unfortunately, that’s not MY sweet, blond-haired, blue-eyed boy – though I do have one! After 14 months, I still haven’t put his...
My older son, Max, loves  to hear about the moments when he and his little brother were born. He knows that he was almost perfectly quiet when he met the world, his huge green eyes taking in the new...
My son's second birthday is around the corner, and the question "what does he want for his birthday?" is ringing in my ears. The answer to that, of course, is: unlimited freedom (duh). for the cat to sit still...
My husband and I have been very fortunate in that both of our children go to bed easily. (See my advice on putting kids to bed awake here). They both love reading books, singing songs, and saying prayers before bed...
When my husband and I decided to have a baby, I began reading. Books, mommy blogs, pregnancy websites and baby forums quickly became my go-to resources for all things pregnancy and baby-related. I wanted to prepare myself for what I...

Motherhood as Storytelling

While attempting to scrub the layer of filth off my kitchen floor one day, I found myself in a mom-loathing moment. Perhaps you know the feeling: as I lamented that I could not keep my house clean with only...



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Kansas City Summer Camp Guide

Registrations are open for Kansas City summer camps and activities are filling up fast! Check out some of our favorite Kansas City summer camps...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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