We live in a society where hypocrisy regarding mothers nursing their children in public runs deep. People are quick to cry "I don't want to see that!" or "why can't she just cover up?" but then don't bat an...
I cried so many tears the day my son had his first bottle of formula. What did I do wrong? Why isn't this working? If breast is best ... my son is ruined! These were the crazy thoughts going...
Breastfeeding. People have really, REALLY strong opinions about breastfeeding. Really  strong. I am not one of those people. I fully believe in a mother's right to choose what works best for her, her baby and the rest of her family. I...
I feel really inadequate to write about this topic. I am not the mom that would pull out her boob just anywhere, totally confident that I was nourishing my baby and not giving a care as to who was...
For some people, breastfeeding comes easy and natural and for others, it can be a struggle. I had many hurdles to overcome with nursing my first child and I had to learn through trial and error as I battled...
Becoming a mother is life-changing. The second that sweet babe is born, you cannot imagine life without them by your side. The thought of leaving them for even a brief moment is heart-wrenching. Returning to work after a short maternity leave?...
My Advice for New Moms

My Advice For New Moms

If I could pick one bit of advice to give to a new mom, what would it be? That's the question I was asked following a baby shower this weekend. I first thought about how hard it is to filter...

Kids and Cars

"The wealthy do it ... and the poor, and the middle class. Parents of all ages and ethnicities do it. Mothers are just as likely to do it as fathers ... In the last 10 years, it has happened...

Put Me In, Coach

"Sure, I can do snacks." The thought was simple enough: I’ll sign up to help coordinate the snack schedule and, perhaps, volunteer to make the run to pick up the t-shirts for my son’s t-ball team. "Not a problem," I...

Backdoor Memories

“Are you crying again?” my husband asks. I reply, "NO!" as I desperately try to stop the sobs and tears rolling down my face. I was simply staring out the sliding glass doors in my kitchen as I washed them -...
It’s true. Children believe that the world does, in fact, revolve around them. Such innocent self-centeredness stems from this limited period in their lives when they are fully catered to, their needs are met without request or explanation, and...

Twins-2, Mom and Dad-0

Before I had kids, there were a million things I SWORE I would never do. You know how it goes ... "When I have kids, I will never (insert that thing you will never do here)." I said I would...

When Mom Leaves Town

My husband arranged for me to take a much-needed trip to Chicago to visit a girlfriend over the 4th of July weekend. I was beyond excited! I cherish my time with my family more than anything, but I was...
It all started with a simple question - how can I get my newborn suffering from reflux to sleep anywhere besides my chest? But nothing is simple when Google gets involved. After making my initial query, I was led to...
This weekend I turned thirty-three; I’m also pregnant with my third child. At 33, I feel pretty good about my family, my vocational work, my marriage. My husband (now 35) reminded me that I am now the same age...



Your Guide To KC

Kansas City Summer Camp Guide

Registrations are open for Kansas City summer camps and activities are filling up fast! Check out some of our favorite Kansas City summer camps...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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