The first time I gave birth, I Googled extensively to try to find the best lists of what to bring to the hospital. And shocker, everyone has an opinion. Especially (hilariously), first time moms. So I made a list,...
Vanessa: There's no place I feel safer than in my own home - it's a haven. Josh: We planned a home birth. We hired a nurse midwife and her assistant, as well as a doula for our family. Vanessa: Both of...
Let's start this post with a few disclaimers. I am not an interior decorator. Our house will never be featured in Architectural Digest. I don't even have a bed frame after five years of marriage! That aside, I'm here...
Pinterest. Pretty much the greatest thing ever. I mean, a virtual pin-board where you can save anything and everything from the internet and organize it all onto an unlimited number of categorized boards? Genius. I have to admit, I wasn't really into Pinterest...
Another great benefit of being pregnant with No. 2 is that you pretty much have all the STUFF that goes with having a baby already.  Early on, I went through our affectionately named "baby #@$* closet" to take inventory, and...
THE GLUCOSE TEST. For many pregnant women, it’s simply a hoop through which to jump. For the rest of us – those who have failed this test – it marks a sad moment: the day we must give up...
I see two parallel lines. Wait, or is it the lighting? Is one line a shadow? Husband confirmation - it’s two parallel lines. We’re pregnant! Wow, I think, that didn’t take as long as I thought. My OB confirms pregnancy...
During the first trimester of my second pregnancy, all I could do was wallow in the special kind of awful that second pregnancies bring with them. No arriving home from work and immediately going to bed, having to toss...
For these, there are rarely funerals, sympathy cards, grave stones or obituaries - but the feelings of loss for our babies that we didn't get a chance to know is very real. On this Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, we acknowledge the grief, often...
When Does Motherhood Begin?

When Does Motherhood Begin?

This post has been written in honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Everything about the timing of my first pregnancy seemed perfect. I had just completed grad school, we had recently moved out of a small apartment and...
When I was pregnant with my first child, my husband and I decided to use cloth diapers. It was really a no-brainer for us -- they're cheaper than disposables, and frankly, pretty cute, too. There were some naysayers along...

Why I Swayed

After I had three boys, knowing we would for sure be trying for a fourth baby at some point, a friend of mine – mother to four boys herself – gave me a book titled “How to Choose the...
I am now about halfway through my second pregnancy. Saying the two pregnancies has been different is the understatement of the year. While I was fairly breezy the first time around, with this pregnancy, that feeling has been taken to...
Birth has been the most transformative experience of my life. I have learned the miraculous ability of my body and have been empowered through the inner strength I never knew I had. I had a doula with all three...

Sister, Sister

I'm 6 months pregnant and have yet to feel like I've done anything to get prepared for this new baby. My husband and I seem to be going through the motions of everyday life - we're busy and the...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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