Haunted Places Two Hours or Less from Kansas City

Ready to find some real hauntings near Kansas City? These haunted places are two hours or less from Kansas City, perfect for a spooky day (or night) trip for the Halloween season!

Haunted Places in Kansas

Atchison, Kansas

Named the most haunted city in Kansas, Atchison is just an hour or less northwest from Kansas City. You can jump on a Haunted Trolley ride to get an overview of Atchison’s spooky history. You won’t want to miss the Sallie House for a self-guided tour where visitors have experienced unexplained happenings. Learn more here. End the trip with a walk through Molly’s Hollow at Jackson Park where ghost hunters have allegedly seen a woman hanging from a tree and heard her screams.

Fort Leavenworth

Many believe Forth Leavenworth is one of the most haunted military forts in the nation. Visitors claim toe see Catherine Sutler, who roams the Fort looking for her children who were thought to be lost in a drowning. Another story is that of Father Fred who died when the chapel he resided at was burned. He has been seen walking around and even appeared in a photo in 1973. While you’re in Leavenworth, you can visit the Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery.

Stull, Kansas

Stull Cemetery is thought by some to be a gateway to hell. The legend states that underneath the Stull Cemetery is a set of hidden steps that are a direct link to hell. A pine tree, which was cut down in 1998, was once thought to be a place where witches were hanged. Trespassing is strongly discouraged and the local police make regular patrols to dissuade thrill seekers.


Haunted Places in Missouri

The Elms Hotel & Spa

The hotel in Excelsior Springs has said to host several ghosts after fires in 1898 and 1910. Guests have also reported spooky activity in the lap pool area of the hotel, which was once a hangout for gangsters like Al Capone during the Prohibition era. The stories were featured in SyFy’s Ghost Hungers in July 2013.

Vaile Mansion

Photo by Jon Kraft of Getty Images, via Canva Pro.

This mansion in Independence, Mo. is the site of many haunted legends! In the late 1800s, owner Harvey Vaile was accused of defrauding the government, and although he was found not guilty he was saddled with legal expenses. His wife, Sophia, was diagnosed with stomach cancer and died in a morphine overdose. The events surrounding her death are considered questionable and she is said to haunt the mansion to this day. Visitors have experienced cold spots, witnessed apparitions and captured unexplainable figures on film. Learn more about the Vaile Mansion in our Kansas City MomCast episode on ghost hunting.

Glore Psychiatric Museum

What was once known as State Lunatic Asylum No. 2, the Glore Psychiatric Museum features exhibits on medical equipment and stories from the asylum’s 145-year history. Don’t miss the story of the patient who swallowed 453 nails. The museum also explores social attitudes toward mental health. Ghost hunters frequently offer overnight and special access tours of the location.

While you’re in St. Joe, explore the Black Archives Museum, Doll Museum, and Native American and History Galleries for one admission price.

Sarah McGinnity
Sarah grew up in Manhattan, Kansas (Go Cats!), she moved to Minnesota where she met her husband, Shea. Realizing how much she hated snow in May, she convinced him to move to Kansas City in 2010. Together they have lived in Midtown, Waldo, the Plaza, and now Overland Park. Sarah is mom to four kids including a teenager and a toddler. She has her master’s in urban administration and is passionate about making Kansas City a more equitable and supportive community. In between the crazy, she likes to drink coffee, run, hike, travel as much as possible, and experience all things Kansas City!