101 Things To Do While in Quarantine

We have compiled a list of 101 ideas for taking advantage of all the family time coming up, while you’re practicing social distancing. Learn new things, play games, make all the things, and take care of each other. You can do this!

  1. Teach your kids to cook simple dinners.
  2. Learn to make bread from scratch.
  3. Teach your kids to sew.
  4. Create a vision board as you look toward summer.
  5. Keep a family journal with words or drawings documenting this historic time.
  6. Take a virtual museum tour.
  7. Make a game out of creating the best snack out of a few ingredients.
  8. Find new books to read using the digital branch of your library.
  9. Make s’mores in the microwave or in your fireplace.
  10. Have a date night with your honey with some of the best board games for two players.
  11. Make cards for your elderly neighbors and friends that can be delivered once social distancing requirements are lifted.
  12. Connect with classmates using Messenger Kids.
  13. Learn how to cook with an air fryer.
  14. Make an easy sensory bin for indoor exploring.
  15. Blow bubbles in your living room.
  16. Watch Frozen II for the 354th time.
  17. Discover the magic that is building with Magnatiles.
  18. Plan for summer by enrolling in one of the awesome Summer Camps in KC.
  19. Order a play dough or art kit from Wee Create Studio in Prairie Village.
  20. Check out Raddish Kids for lesson plans, recipes and cooking activities.
  21. Go to KC’s own Purpose Play for ideas for play ideas at home for kids 5 and under.
  22. Visit the Kansas City Zoo virtually with the animal cams.
  23. Find at home resources from the Kansas Discovery Center here.
  24. Grab the Hot Wheels and make a masking tape road for racing!
  25. Take a carton of eggs from your stockpile and make tie dye Easter eggs.
  26. Use this step-by-step tutorial and finally learn to make your own pie crust.
  27. Host your own science lab with Kiwi Co’s science experiments from home.
  28. Use the Marco Polo app to send video messages to friends and classmates you’re missing!
  29. Support local restaurants while still social distancing with the Curbside KC.
  30. Dive into space with NASA’s live events.
  31. Have a spa day. Make your own face mask and paint everyone’s nails.
  32. Build a city out of Legos. kid building with legos
  33. Start a new habit and get up early, before the rest of the family, for some self-care.
  34. Take an Enneagram test and learn your number.
  35. Plan a book-themed week of fun.
  36. Choose an educational show on Netflix to make you feel less guilty about all the screen time.
  37. Start planning a girls trip to enjoy when all this is over!
  38. Make your May Day baskets. Hey, you can never be too prepared!
  39. Plan a family game night!
  40. Have an indoor picnic in the middle of the living room.
  41. Make your own pizza dough and let everyone help pile on the toppings.
  42. Match all the single socks – all ages can help with this chore.
  43. Make a car wash: a tub of soap, an old toothbrush for scrubbing and a rinsing tub can be hours of fun as you clean all the Hot Wheels.
  44. Turn off the news and all screens for some silent reading time.
  45. Go through the month-long Simplicity Challenge from Emily Ley.
  46. Make a list of things to find and go on a nature scavenger hunt in your neighborhood.
  47. Order the Kitchen Science Lab for Kids books; 52 experiments for 52 days…
  48. Get out the deck of cards and teach your family the classics.
  49. Find your zen with Cosmic Kids Yoga sessions on YouTube.
  50. Use ReadWorks from Scholastic for free, K-12 reading programs.
  51. Get some work done while the kids are watching Disney+ and then try out these corresponding crafts.
  52. Enjoy a virtual spring break to Yellowstone and watch Old Faithful erupt.
  53. Watch these Ted Talks, appropriate for watching with your kids.
  54. Participate in activities run by the National Park’s Junior Ranger program – online.
  55. Find some mental peace with the Headspace App.
  56. Watch the world’s oldest webcam with a live view of San Francisco.
  57. Plan a summer road trip using Roadtrippers.
  58. Choose one of these activities to do with Playdough.
  59. Make the classic Ants on a Log, and then try new versions of this favorite snack.
  60. Pool toys + bubble bath = an hour of fun!
  61. Conduct your own Dude Perfect challenges.
  62. Make sun catchers using tissue paper.
  63. Bake a cake and have a unbirthday party.
  64. Teach your kids how to properly set the table.
  65. Pull out the family albums and share memories from your childhood.
  66. Get out the vinegar, baking soda and food coloring for a fun toddler science experiment.
  67. Organize relay races in the backyard. (Hop on one foot, wheelbarrow races, etc).
  68. Make your own Taste Safe Cloud Dough for some messy fun.
  69. Keep up the preschool learning by sorting buttons by color into muffin tins.
  70. Make a Pom Pom Tube Ramp.
  71. Rewatch the Super Bowl on your favorite streaming service.
  72. Turn off all the lights and play Flashlight Hide ‘n Seek.
  73. Make Shaving Cream Bathtub Paint and then go nuts!
  74. Upcycle your broken crayons by melting them into fun shapes.
  75. Write thank you notes to health workers and first responders on the front lines of the pandemic.
  76. Donate dollars for diapers at Happy Bottoms, who had to suspend community donations due to COVID-19.
  77. Host a backyard campout.
  78. Try on your summer wardrobes and make a shopping list.
  79. Make a photo album from your last family vacation.
  80. Check out GoNoodle for movement and mindfulness in one.
  81. Channel your inner Martha Stewart and get all your spring cleaning done.
  82. Master Hip Hop dance moves with online classes.
  83. Go on a family friendly hike in Kansas City.
  84. Make a newspaper boat and test it out in the bathtub.
  85. Pick one of the DIY activities from Tinkergarten, focused on outdoor-based play.
  86. Explore the Overland Park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens.
  87. Plan time each day for outdoor play, even when you don’t feel like it.
  88. Paint Kindness Rocks and hide them in your favorite park or around the neighborhood.
  89. Choose a sidewalk chalk game on a sunny day.
  90. Build your own Little Free Library.
  91. Go through toys, clothes and bookshelves and start a bin for your favorite KC donation center.
  92. Make a potato stamp or paint with pinecones.
  93. Have a dance party in the kitchen.
  94. Complete a household inventory, an insurance necessity in the case of a fire or other disaster.
  95. Try a barre class with Barre3’s online program.
  96. Blow up balloons and play “don’t touch the floor.”
  97. Use your empty egg cartons and start a mini garden.
  98. Challenge yourself with this list of 200+ Minute to Win It Games.
  99. Build a blanket fort.
  100. Find an old photo and try to recreate it with your own drawing.
  101. Stay calm.

101 Things to Do

Sarah McGinnity
Sarah grew up in Manhattan, Kansas (Go Cats!), she moved to Minnesota where she met her husband, Shea. Realizing how much she hated snow in May, she convinced him to move to Kansas City in 2010. Together they have lived in Midtown, Waldo, the Plaza, and now Overland Park. Sarah is mom to four kids including a teenager and a toddler. She has her master’s in urban administration and is passionate about making Kansas City a more equitable and supportive community. In between the crazy, she likes to drink coffee, run, hike, travel as much as possible, and experience all things Kansas City!