On Having a VBAC

On Having a VBAC

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated my daughter’s first birthday. Like most moms, I spent the day scrolling through pictures on my phone and tried to hold back tears as I recounted that special day a year prior....
I was once like your children: blissfully unaware of the fact that my parents had very little concern, if any, for the quality of my Halloween costume (and thereby me). Yes, back in what I consider the dark days...
Learning that you’re going to be a parent is exciting, shocking, scary, you name it! And with the news of your pregnancy comes a flood of information from your family and friends. Not to mention all of the questions you have...
Adulting. It's not particularly fun and exciting, but it's important. As a mom you probably spend a lot of time managing your family calendar and making sure your kids get in for their yearly well checks, vaccinations, dental appointments...
As new mothers, the shape and condition of our postpartum body should be about 112th on the list of concerns. We have enough to worry about and figure out, right? But it always inevitably happens. In our body- shaming...
I work part-time as a marketing specialist in the financial services industry, and I recently transitioned from working five days a week to four so I could have more time at home with my 2-year-old daughter. My colleagues are...
I am a proud child of the 80’s and 90’s. Instead of an iPad or tablet at school, I lugged around a backpack bursting with books, colorful gelly roll pens, and my Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper (kittens AND unicorns,...
Breastfeeding. Some people love it and some people hate it. To some it comes naturally and others work their tail off to make it work. I have spent a total of 28 months of my life in the last 50...
It’s no secret that Kansas City’s craft beer scene is booming! As a couple of beer loving parents we like to enjoy a cold brew after a tantrum filled day, potty training or another day of keeping the kids...
I’ve never walked out of a gym feeling worse than I did walking in but let’s be honest, I know my borders when it comes to fitness. Those fancy pieces of workout equipment just don’t do it for me. Cardio...
I’m just under a month away from giving birth to my second child. I wish I could say that after two pregnancies I’m an expert in maternity wardrobes, but I feel like I still don’t have it totally figured...
Do you remember the ice bucket challenge? I do. That was about the only thing I remembered in regards to ALS, until winter 2015. ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease, is a nervous system disease that ultimately weakens the muscles and impacts, eventually...
My son is almost 3, and I have never cut his hair. This is not for religious reasons. We are not Sikh. Although the Sikh’s belief that allowing one’s hair to grow naturally is a symbol of respect for...
I am typically terrible at change.  I am a homebody at heart and tend to form very close bonds with family, friends and co-workers.  But this year, I made a conscious decision to channel my inner Oprah in search...
We all have a type: tall, short, blonde, muscular, brooding. Mine is apparently tall, athletic and lanky - and white -  who knew?!? I'm a black girl (also mixed) who grew up in the thriving metropolis of The Northland. My...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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