It's starting to be that time of year again. The weather is getting cooler. The long hours to play outside in the warm sunlight have faded. Leaves have started changing all of those glorious colors. Ahhhh, we welcome the...
Living with my Nemesis

Living with My Nemesis

It happened so fast I had no idea what was going on. One minute I was deep in the moments of motherhood with my precious baby girl. The next thing I knew, I was battling for my spot as dominant...
My children can be stubborn, opinionated, I-must-be-right-all-the-time little people… kind of like their mother. Last winter I noticed something though; my older three (triplet boys, age 8 at the time) thrived on being bossed around in more official ways!  Sadly, me...
If you've been outside in the breeze or the psychotic midwest winds, you may have been unknowingly exposed to something. Perhaps, this time, it's not your husband getting under your skin. Have you recently had the sudden urge to strip...
Family Date Night

Family Date Night

Remember the days when you could go out at the drop of a hat and stay out for as long as you want? Yeah, me too! Now I wouldn’t trade these days for what I've got now at all. We don’t...
When I was pregnant with Second Kid, I would have mild panic attacks when trying to fathom how I could possibly love that child as much as First Kid. It did not seem possible to me. I felt like First...
It was just a little over a year ago that one of my sons got sick. It was a nightmare scenario; we were traveling abroad in my husband's home country, a place where we didn't know the doctors, weren't...
A House Divided

A House Divided

Not every family has a black sheep, but mine does. Me. I was born into a K-State home. My dad, aunts, cousins. Even as we moved around the country and far away from home, our wardrobes were full of purple and...
What I’m about to share with you is deeply personal and from my own experience, not professional advice from a doctor. I am a firm believer that each mom needs to be her own advocate for what she feels...
Why Open Adoption?

Why Open Adoption?

On Tuesday nights you can find me in front of the television watching the new hit show on NBC, This Is Us. An emotional family drama, This Is Us has been the perfect solution for my post-Parenthood withdrawals. Relatable characters,...
As cliché as it sounds, I remember like it was yesterday. I was making the trek from the teacher parking lot to my school building with multiple bags draped over my shoulder and keys in my hand. I had...
My son Jona loves the Royals, so he was thrilled when I suggested we throw him a KC Royals birthday party for his third birthday this year. Party planning tends to stress me out, so while I wanted to...
To the Parents In the Stands, I hear you. I hear many of you cheering your kid and his or her teammates on. I hear you being nothing but encouraging, and it warms my heart to see your child react to...
Dr. Donna Pacicca is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, most often treating kids with sports-related injuries. Originally from New York, Dr. Pacicca started both her career and her family in Boston. Her clinical research focuses on sports medicine. One of...
The moving van was loaded. The guys had packed every inch to the ceiling. We relaxed that evening and made plans for the departure the next morning. Until I sat up in a cold sweat. “The bins!” I cried. “We...



Your Guide To KC

Guide to Indoor Play in Kansas City

Whether it's snow, rain or just way too hot, moms need indoor play options in Kansas City all year long. Luckily, there are plenty...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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