It’s 7:40 a.m. Like every week day, I put the car in reverse, back out of the daycare parking lot and begin my commute to work. I start the mental checklist in my head: milk, check. Diapers, check. Wipes, check....
Mothering in the Nighttime

Mothering in the Nighttime

Except for the repeated psst-whirr-mmm of the window air conditioner, all is still. My husband is sleeping soundly in the other room, unaware of my lumbering exit from bed. It’s 3 a.m., which means time for second dinner — or first...
Last spring, I picked up a new hobby: coloring. And no, it didn't involve stealing my daughter's coloring books! I ordered several coloring books geared toward adults and some fancy art pencils on Amazon and started spending a little time each...
When I was was in my early 20s, I used to worry extensively about whether or not I'd be able to have children one day. I had watched my older sister deal with issues stemming from fertility, and I...
A couple of days after hanging up the one and only behavior chart in our house, my son told me, "No sticker for you! Try again tomorrow." He was right; I hadn’t earned my sticker for the day. See, the behavior chart...
When I was pregnant, the most common phrase I heard was "life will never be the same." It was usually said in a condescending tone and it was followed by some sort of horror story. Morning sickness that actually...
When newly pregnant, the first sign of the belly "popping" is an exciting confirmation that our life will never be the same. The squishy, dirty, little secret our girlfriends neglect to divulge is that same belly will be around...
Kansas City Moms Blog is a collaborative online community including everything from parenting solutions, personal essays from local moms, regional business spotlights, and more. We frequently receive inquiries regarding family service providers, especially questions regarding local family photographers. We...
To my firstborn son: In just a few months, Lord-willing, you will have a baby sister! We are all excited for her arrival, and we’ve been letting you watch season 5 of Daniel Tiger on repeat so that you’ll be...
Horrors of Zulily

Horrors of Zulily

It's no secret that I love shopping for kid's clothes, and I love a good deal. Have you ever heard of Zulily? It allegedly combines both of these things. But once you dig past the irresistible sales on Toms and...
One of the most searched terms on Google relating to the postpartum period is "Postpartum Depression." Taking the time to understand this condition can help you encourage yourself or your friends to get help instead of suffering. What is Postpartum Depression? It is characterized...
My husband and I are both Kansas City transplants. We have a very small circle of friends and even fewer family members in the area who we can rely on to babysit our offspring on a regular basis. Our...
You see it everywhere: at the park, the gym, restaurants, concerts, theater productions, weddings, the first day of school, church events and even in your home. Cell phones being whipped out to capture a quick picture (or 20!). Those pictures are...
Note: This post is sponsored by blooom, an online, automated retirement tool. I’ll never forget the first time I flew with my son. As we were playing peek-a-boo, the stewardess began the in-flight instructions. Although I had heard those hundreds...
Sometimes my kids ask me relatively simple questions to answer. A case in point: "Do zombies poop their pants, Mom?" Since zombies aren't functioning at the highest level, I assume they aren't too focused on making it to the toilet on...



Your Guide To KC

Memorial Day Weekend in Kansas City

Memorial Day weekend in Kansas City offers opportunities to celebrate the true reason for the holiday with family friendly events. For additional weekend activities,...
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