whewwwww.... whewwwww.... whewwwww.... There - my inflatable soapbox is aired up and ready for me to rant about Pinterest. Let me begin by sharing that I am an avid “pinner” - a Pinterest iPhone app kind of gal. The ease of quickly seeing...
Disclosure: My son attends Field Trip Club, but I am in no way receiving monetary or other forms of payment for this post. It's just too amazing not to share! Remember your grade school years? Some of us have to...
I have been married for nearly six years; during that time, we have endured and survived a home remodel along with various other projects in and around our home. We married young, and my husband already owned a house...
Even if you've only lived in Kansas City for a short time, you probably know that our fine city is one of the most creative cities in the United States. In fact, the Kansas City Area Development Council (one...
SCALE is a dirty word in our house right now. Weight is not discussed. I'd love to be able to say that I've never been one to demonize or idolize a certain number on the scale, but that just...

My Go-To Crock-Pot Recipes

As a busy mom, I like to find any way I can to spend more time with my kids and husband - which means less time prepping our meals in the kitchen. To do this, I call on my...

Great Expectations

My husband is disappointed in my pregnancy. Okay, not really ... he is actually very supportive, but he did have some expectations about my pregnancy that didn't quite pan out. 1. Ice cream cravings. He was CERTAIN that after I got pregnant, I...
pregnant mom with toddler


I’m two-thirds cooked these days.   Two-thirds round and waddling, two-thirds wheezing and pausing, two-thirds rotund and awkward. It really is a monumental occasion reaching this third trimester mark, one I have certainly not passed up celebrating. I may have treated...

A Love Letter

Dear Husband, I know that our daily conversations are no longer spent discussing politics or dreaming about the future but instead seem to primarily consist of to-do lists, meal planning, errand running and the occasional nagging.   I know there are days...
In honor of the much-loved - or greatly despised - Valentine's Day, I thought I would share with my fellow moms the joys of how marital love has played out for this pregnant woman. When you're pregnant, often times...
Some of the wisest counsel that I've ever been given came from our pediatrician at our very first six-week check up; she told me to make date night a priority. She mentioned that too many couples are splitting up...
Holidays are  special to me. I love the way they break up the day-to-day norm and allow us to focus on something specific, different, and fun. My husband and I couldn't be more different in this area; I like...
I've never been one to see the world through rose-colored glasses (pink isn't my color), so I went into parenthood very aware of the toll that kids can have on marriages. I had heard depressing stories from my friends...
My daughter had her fifteen-month shots last week, and on our way home, I decided to take her through the drive-up at McDonald’s to get a special lunch. After ordering a Happy Meal, the drive-up attendant asked, “boy or...

The Things People Say

When people find out you are pregnant, they offer you all sorts of advice - well-meaning, to be sure, but advice nonetheless. When people find out you are pregnant with twins ... Katy-bar-the-door, the floodgates of advice are WIDE...



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Kansas City Summer Camp Guide

Registrations are open for Kansas City summer camps and activities are filling up fast! Check out some of our favorite Kansas City summer camps...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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