I am writing this post while it is snowing. It has been snowing all day. It is supposed to keep snowing tomorrow. If you're anything like me, you're stuck at home and indoors when we have winter weather. Cabin fever...

My Sacred TV Time with My Girls

After years of watching Disney cartoons, My Little Pony, and countless other kiddie TV shows and movies, I am thrilled to report that my kids' taste in TV shows and movies has finally progressed to a point where we...
We so often hear the negative side of youth sports. Trust me, I get it. I’ve seen the overly involved parents living vicariously through their kids. I’ve done a double-take when finding out a uniform costs more than my...
Having a baby near the holidays can be stressful for a number of reasons. With fall and winter comes not only the pressure of traveling and family expectations, but also germs and flu season—a potentially scary combo when it...

The Day My Son Became a Tween

My family and I went on a Disney Cruise in July. This was our second cruise, and we loved the first one SO much, we chose the exact same ship and itinerary this time. My parents also went with...
When people find out that I have twins, they usually react in one of two ways: with a groan and a “better you than me!” or with a smile and an “I always wanted twins!” I’m not a fan of...
These two call me mom, and it’s my favorite name. Jeter, our 80-pound yellow lab, well, he doesn’t listen when you call him, and he likes to sleep all day. Being an empty nester and mothering adult children is so...
Starting a new school year can be stressful and full of surprises – for both parents and kids. When all goes well, children get into their rhythm fairly quickly and step up to new learning and academic demands and...
We are blessed to have grandparents that live nearby. We moved back to Kansas City so that our kids could grow up close to their grandparents. It is such a treat to be able to wake up on Christmas...
When you’re shopping for baby clothes either for your own newborn or as a gift for someone else, it can be tricky to navigate the oversaturated supply that’s available. Between adorable outfits that will only get pulled out once...
Whether Friday night lights fracas, an errant high kick in dance or the mid-air separation of skateboard and skater, more and more young athletes are experiencing concussions or other Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). According to the Centers for Disease...
I was standing in the parking lot of the grocery store, talking to a mom friend. I asked her how her college kid was doing. And she started to cry. He was doing well and enjoying school, she said....
We've all heard that every child is different. My first born is a people-pleasing rule follower. My second born is a honey badger. Girlfriend will look you in the eye while you tell her "no" and do it anyway.  For...
People ask me all the time, "How do you do it?" And I literally have no wise words to say. I sincerely wish I did because I love helping people. That's sorta my love language. And as a teacher,...
Our family vacation this year was amazing! Just the four of us. My husband Doug and I, our daughter Kate, and our son Ryan met in DC and drove to Toronto with several stops and side trips along the...



Your Guide To KC

Kansas City Birthday Party Guide

We love a good Kansas City birthday party – whether you make your own Pinterest perfection or let the experts do the work! We’ve...

Kansas City Summer Guide

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