
Guiltless Girls Trip

I am currently in that phase of life where I wear so many hats and always feel pressed for time. Consequently, I am in that phase of life where I have so.much.guilt. I work full time. I have two side...
“Would you like to schedule another session?” The words caught me off-guard. The change was almost imperceptible, but it was there. A key word was missing from her usual question: WHEN. “When would you like to schedule another session?”...
Whether we're in our first or our fourth trimester, moms needs support. Whether that support means coming over to our house and cleaning it for us or leaving us alone, we need it. We're in the midst of intense...
The Christmas season is full of light, joy, and merriment, but, as the busyness of the holidays grows, the intentionality of loving our family well can get crowded out. Showing love to the individuals in my family doesn’t always...
This post may ruffle some feathers because there seems to be a huge line drawn in the sand between these two groups of moms. I have even at times found myself to be the one making the comments about...
The first Christmas after my ex-husband and I separated was rough. We were navigating the very new waters of co-parenting and trying to figure out how we could both be with our boys on Christmas morning. Gift-giving for anyone...
The title sounds like new age pseudo-science, doesn't it? Sure, it's a little pie-in-the-sky, but when it comes down to it, sometimes your parenting experience is all about what you expect. If you look at a lot of 'mom-media,'...
The past 365+ days have tested me. We celebrated the one-year anniversary of my grandfather’s death due to Alzheimer’s. I hate the word Alzheimer’s with a passion. It robbed me of the patriarch of my family. In January, my brother -...
When it comes to date night, my husband and I used to be great. From the very beginning of our relationship, we always made time for each other and we went on some pretty fantastic dates - a night...
I was living a textbook life. I was raised in a conservative church, met my husband in the youth group and married him at 19. I finished my education degree and spent several years surviving the world of teaching...
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.   Some sobering facts: 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 4 men have been victims of domestic violence, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV),  20 people per minute are physically abused by...
Everyone does it in the beginning. It’s the ones that realize it’s not worth it that fair the best in the end. Keeping score is a dangerous, time consuming way to turn your marriage into a war zone. The...
I was 33 years old when I had my first child and my husband was 37. It was maybe not a conscious decision to wait to my 30's to have kids but, looking back, I certainly wouldn't have done...

The Joy of Self-Dating

Self-care in motherhood seems to be all the buzz these days. Of course as moms we tend to run ourselves ragged putting our family’s needs in front of our own. More often than not we’re the first ones out...
strong woman hands

Strong as Steel

I can do a pull up. A full, real deal, no-cheats pull up. It took me 32 years, one Amazon Prime pull up bar order, and a final decision to train for American Ninja Warrior (ANW). But I finally...



Your Guide To KC

Memorial Day Weekend in Kansas City

Memorial Day weekend in Kansas City offers opportunities to celebrate the true reason for the holiday with family friendly events. For additional weekend activities,...
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