
How I Fed My Baby: Formula

I am was a reluctant formula-feeding mama. The first time that I gave my son formula, I cried out of fear of the formula I was giving him. That day had started with a trip to the lactation consultant. At the end...
Breastfeeding didn't ever really seem like a choice. I didn't weigh my options between formula and the breast. I just did it. It seemed natural. My mother did it, my grandmothers did it, and I reached for my three babies...
Formula feeding is a topic near and dear to my heart, one that I'm passionate about speaking up about after my own experience as a new mom. My daughter was born a month early and my milk never really...
Dear Breastfeeding, I regret to inform you that I am ending our relationship prematurely. I have no ill will toward you -- we had 21 good months together and two children. But it's obvious that things have been deteriorating for awhile,...
We recently welcomed baby number two into our family. I've blogged before about the differences between my two pregnancies and how we tried to prepare our first-born for the impending arrival of her little sister. By the time the new...
Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast that can be caused by an obstruction or infection. Nothing has taken me “down for the count” like mastitis can; each time, I feel like I've been run over by a truck...
We live in a society where hypocrisy regarding mothers nursing their children in public runs deep. People are quick to cry "I don't want to see that!" or "why can't she just cover up?" but then don't bat an...
I cried so many tears the day my son had his first bottle of formula. What did I do wrong? Why isn't this working? If breast is best ... my son is ruined! These were the crazy thoughts going...
Breastfeeding. People have really, REALLY strong opinions about breastfeeding. Really  strong. I am not one of those people. I fully believe in a mother's right to choose what works best for her, her baby and the rest of her family. I...
I feel really inadequate to write about this topic. I am not the mom that would pull out her boob just anywhere, totally confident that I was nourishing my baby and not giving a care as to who was...
For some people, breastfeeding comes easy and natural and for others, it can be a struggle. I had many hurdles to overcome with nursing my first child and I had to learn through trial and error as I battled...
Becoming a mother is life-changing. The second that sweet babe is born, you cannot imagine life without them by your side. The thought of leaving them for even a brief moment is heart-wrenching. Returning to work after a short maternity leave?...


Supply. As a soon-to-be breastfeeding mom, this single word was my number one concern. I was committed to breastfeeding, but a big "what if" seemed to wiggle its way into my mind: What if I have supply issues? I prepared...



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